Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hubbard's Cave Chocolate & Blackberry Pot De Créme Imperial Stout

Chocolate, Blackberrie, Vanilla Beans, Lactose
Brewed at Une Année Brewery

12% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.32/5
Untappd score 4.15/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Niles, Illinois

This is the first review of my Birthday Shipment from Tavour! When you get free money, there is no better way to spend least for me. This lovely brew had me after I read Chocolate & Blackberry. I didn't even realize it was an Imperial Stout until after purchasing it! And the can went really well with our tiny little Christmas tree...but Christmas is over, so on to the review!

Appearance: Pours an oily black color as all the ingredients are of the dark nature. Hardly a head but it was mocha colored and dissipated quickly.  8

Aroma: First note is of a combination of fruit with hints of plum, fig and of course blackberry. The chocolate kicks in after with a whiff of vanilla and a nice earthy undertone.  9
Flavor: Jammy blackberry up front which dives into a silky smooth chocolate ganache. Hints of coffe and a lingering vanilla on the back end. It was as smooth as drinking a fine red wine blend.  9.3

Mouthfeel: A full bodied brew that hides the high alcohol very well. Smooth with the right amount of carbonation.   8

Overall: I think I need to visit Niles, Illinois so I can discover more from Hubbard's Cave. This is a top notch brew that I would pay top dollar for. I haven't had many brews that I liked more than this one. Thank you Hubbard's Cave for introducing the world to this perfection of a brew. 8.58

Matt's mark: 4.26/5

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Worthy Brewing's Cosmic Portal Cocoa Porter

brewed with cocoa nibs

25 IBU 5.4% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.88 (one review)
Untappd - 4.03/5

20A. American Porter

A substantial, malty dark beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character.

Purchased at Safeway - Hails from Bend, Oregon.

It's been a minute since I did my last review. Life events and holiday cheer kept getting in the way (or just delaying the review, I kept drinking the beers of course). I was delighted I didn't have to go very far for this one. It's not very often I can find a beer I haven't had by walking through a Safeway...yet here we are! On to the review!

Appearance: It's a nice dark brown with just the slightest touch of red. Fingers width of a tan head which dissipates slowly. Nice lacing.  7.8

Aroma: As one would expect from a cocoa porter, it has a nice strong chocolate aroma with sweet nutty roasty fragrance to back it up.   7.9

Flavor: A nice biscuity bitterness that flows directly into a dark chocolate note. It finishes off with notes of toffee on the back end. Nicely balanced.   8

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied which is perfect for a porter. The carbonation level could be a little lower.   7

Overall: I've come to expect anything from Worthy Brewing not to disappoint. The Cosmic Portal held up its end of the bargain. While I have certainly had higher scoring brews, this is a solid drink to have in hand when entertaining company or watching a football game...or anytime really. Now, if they had a barrel aged version of this I would be waiting in line for it.  7.67

Matt's mark: 3.84/5

Monday, November 11, 2019

Laughing Face Imperial Coconut Porter by Wild Ride Brewing

Brewer's Reserve 2019
Rye Whiskey Barrel-Aged

20 IBU 10% ABV
Beer Advocate - n/a
Untappd - 4.23/5

20A. American Porter (or possibly a specialty category)

A substantial, malty dark beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character.

Purchased at Willamette St. Market of Choice Eugene, Oregon - Hails from Redmond, Oregon.

I had a chance to make it over to Redmond, Oregon this summer to visit Wild Ride Brewing. It was a fun time and lots of good beer to be had. Then, as I was meandering through the beer section at Market of Choice, I came across this beauty. I quickly realized I hadn't done a beer review for Wild Ride yet and quickly snatched it up. With my day now complete, I tried to calm myself on the 1/2 hour drive home to drink this luscious brew. Whiskey, coconut...a laughing face, what's not to get excited about?!? On to the review!

Appearance: Oh wow, a really dark brew. Has an inch thick milk chocolate head that dissipates very slowly. Did I mention that it was really dark? Like a tar pit.  9

Aroma: A sweet aroma of coconut comes wafting out at the beginning of the pour. As the aroma opens up, you get hints of vanilla, chocolate and a some inkling of the rye whiskey.  9

Flavor: Let's get this straight, this is a dessert. At the front is a sweet coconut punch. It is nicely balanced out with the vanilla, chocolate and a fair bit of roasty goodness couple with a touch of oak. Underlining the whole experience is the warmness of the alcohol.  9

Mouthfeel: A smooth and thick full bodied brew. Has low to medium carbonation which is just about right for this type of beer.  9

Overall: There is a good chance I might be biased. Wild Ride is one of my favorite breweries in the state of Oregon (top 3)...and we have a lot of good breweries, so that is saying something. Even with the bias, this is a quality beer that rivals any of the best barrel-aged brews of any kind, anywhere. I would recommend as a night capper, 'cause you ain't getting anything else done it should be.  9

Matt's mark: 4.5/5

Monday, October 28, 2019

Red Thistle ESB from Golden Valley Brewery

40 IBU 5.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.28/5
Untappd score 3.53

11C. Strong Bitter

An average-strength to moderatelystrong British bitter ale. The balance may be fairly even between malt and hops to somewhat bitter. Drinkability is a critical component of the style. A rather broad style that allows for considerable interpretation by the brewer.

Found at The Bier Stein - Hails from McMinville, OR

This brewery has been around since 1993...and yet, I hadn't heard of them. So, I saw this bottle on the shelf and said, "I've never heard of this brewery, I think I will give them a try." Sometimes, that is the only reason you need to pick out a beer. And you can never go wrong with an ESB...or could you? On to the review!

Appearance:  A light amber to copper coloring with a fingers width ivory head. Bright and clear. I thought it would be a tad darker.  7.5

Aroma: Not much to say about the aroma other than a heavy dose of malt and an astringent herbal note.   6

Flavor:  It's a lightly toasted malt flavor with little to no bittering. Fairly sweet for this style of beer.   6

Mouthfeel:  It's light to medium bodied with the right amount of carbonation. Not as smooth as I would like. 7

Overall:  Golden Valley touts this as a flagship brew...I think it has the potential to be one. It's not bad but I think it needs to tone down the sweetness and bring up the bitter level. It says it has 40 IBU's. I couldn't tell. That's a little bit of a problem but is easily fixed with a few tweaks to the recipe. I definitely wouldn't say no to having another one as is though. 6.65

Matt's mark: 3.32/5

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ferment Brewing Company's White River Saison Ale

20 IBU 5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.15/5
Untappd score 3.65/5

25B. Saison

Most commonly, a pale, refreshing, highly-attenuated, moderately-bitter, moderate-strength Belgian ale with a very dry finish. Typically highly carbonated, and using non-barley cereal grains and optional spices for complexity, as complements the expressive yeast character that is fruity, spicy, and not overly phenolic. Less common variations include both lower-alcohol and higher-alcohol products, as well as darker versions with additional malt character.

Found at The Bier Stein - Hails from Hood River, OR

While browsing the many beers Bier Stein provides, the nice clean look of this particular bottle stood out. If you hadn't noticed, a lot of breweries are starting to have many, many colors on their packaging. Not this one and I took notice. Upon investigating the description on the back, I was delighted to discover they used a yeast captured on the slopes of Mount Hood. What a unique thing to do for a Saison! On to the review!

Appearance:  A light golden straw with a fingers head, which was a creamy white. A crystal clear body with really good head retention. There is sediment in the bottom of the bottle so be careful pouring if you care about that.  8.2

Aroma: A spicy and full bodied aroma. I noticed some pepper and lemongrass with a nice floral layer to balance it out.  8.1

Flavor:  A nice subtle sweetness at the front, reminiscent of honey. Balanced out nicely with pepper undertones along with an earthy bitterness on the back. A little bit of straw but really no funk though.   7.4

Mouthfeel:  Dry, crisp and easy drinking. A light to medium bodied beer that is lively on the tongue.  8

Overall:  I really like this take on the Saison from FBC. Obviously it scored a tad lower on the flavor profile because, in my opinion, it's not a true Saison. Not as funky. Of course, that is due to the local yeast being used. But if I were just going from a taste standpoint, this brew is much cleaner and more refreshing with subtleties you wouldn't get otherwise. Top notch in my book. Also, I am not sure what is going on with the Untappd crowd... this brew is obviously better than what they think. 7.9

Matt's mark: 3.96/5

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rogue's Pumpkin Patch Ale

Pumpkins grown at Rogue Farms

6.1% ABV 25 IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 3.87/5
Untappd score 3.77/5

30B. Autumn Seasonal Beer

An amber to copper, spiced beer that often has a moderately rich body and slightly warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cool fall season, and often evocative of Thanksgiving traditions.

Found at Market of Choice - Founded in Ashland, Oregon. Headquartered in Newport, Oregon.

The first pumpkin beer of the season! Believe it or not, I tend not to drink Rogue Ales very often because of how ubiquitous they are on the west coast. But I couldn't resist the big burnt orange bottle that was sitting in the refrigerated section. It was the last one there so many others had a tough time resisting before me. On to the review!

Appearance: A beautifully rich caramel body with a fingers width linen colored head. The head dissipates quickly.  8

Aroma: A nice malty, earthy scent. You can tell it has all the usual suspects for a pumpkin beer (nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla etc.) but blended very nicely. 8

Flavor: It's a decently rich, malty brew. There is a little bit of something that throws off the flavor a tad. If I were to hazard a guess, it would be the nutmeg. Tone that down and I think we are on to something.  7

Mouthfeel: A light and creamy medium bodied brew with the right amount of carbonation. Refreshing.   8

Overall:  It's a solid offering from Rogue. I have had better pumpkin brews at a lower cost though. Not saying that you shouldn't try it because it definitely hits the pumpkin beer craving. I think if they tinkered with the recipe slightly, lowering the nutmeg and bumping the cardamom and vanilla, it would create a deeper, richer flavor.  7.75

Matt's mark: 3.88/5

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

3.8 Miles Hazy Double IPA from Weldwerks Brewing

Brewed with Mosaic, El Dorado & Lemondrops hops

ABV - 8.4% IBU's - not available
Beer Advocate - 4.18/5
Untappd - 4.2/5

22A. Double IPA

An intensely hoppy, fairly strong pale ale without the big, rich, complex maltiness and residual sweetness and body of an American barleywine. Strongly hopped, but clean, dry, and lacking harshness. Drinkability is an important characteristic; this should not be a heavy, sipping beer.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Greeley, Colorado

I have been doing a lot of road running lately. It does a good job of filling out the days when you have nothing else to do. No job? Just go for a run. Too rainy to pull out the lawnmower? Just go for a run. Helps that I am also training for a half marathon in November and then my first full marathon in April. At the end of a run, what better way to relax than a big beer? With a name like 3.8 Miles, I feel like this particular brew was created for runners...doesn't matter if it's just wishful thinking. On to the review!

Aroma: Has me thinking of warmer days with its tropical aromas (mostly papaya and mango). Behind the tropics, hints of earth and spice resonate in the nostrils and blends in some melon on the back end. Definitely runs the gamut of smells.   9

Appearance: Has a butterscotch haze with 1/2 inch eggshell white head. It quickly recedes but has good legs.   8.3

Flavor: Tropical is the name of the game here. I detect mostly mango and some lemon. The bitterness is nicely balanced and doesn't compete with the complex dank of the flavors. Refreshing.  8.6

Mouthfeel: It's medium bodied with a nice creamy, smoothness. The carbonation is at a nice level as well.  8

Overall: This Hazy Double IPA is a really good brew. I highly recommend it. Drink it after a run, hard days work in the yard or even an evening sitting out on the porch watching the autumn sun go down. It's a refreshing beer that doesn't sit heavy in the stomach.   8.5

Matt's mark: 4.24/5

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Smog City Brewing's Bourbon Barrel-Aged O.E.

Limited Release Barleywine Style Ale

14.1% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.37/5
Untappd score 4.38/5

17D. English Barleywine

A showcase of malty richness and complex, intense flavors. Chewy and rich in body, with warming alcohol and a pleasant fruity or hoppy interest. When aged, it can take on port-like flavors. A wintertime sipper.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Torrance, California

I waited on this brew until the rains started fall here in Oregon. Fortunately for me, it has been a very wet September...not good for getting yard work done but perfect for the big, dark beers. On to the review!

Aroma: Sweet malty nose with hints of vanilla, dried fruit and a bit of a woody/nutty note.  9.6

Appearance: A dirty brown color that is a little off putting. A half inch off white head that dissipates fairly quickly but has nice legs, showing off the high ABV. Not totally clear at first but clears out as it warms.   7

Flavor: Delicious. A sweet, malty brew with lots of flavors. Nice touch of vanilla, fig, chocolate and oak. Has a toffee flavor prevalent throughout the tasting experience.  9.8

Mouthfeel: Loads of carbonation, too much for this type of brew. It is full bodied but the carbonation detracts from everything else.   6.5

Overall:  I am a little late to the Smog City party for this Bourbon Barrel-Aged O.E. I am curious to how the 2019 release stacks up with earlier releases. A delicious desert beer that is sweet but not cloying. It would have scored quite a bit higher if it weren't for the dirty dishwater appearance and the high carbonation. I am probably being a bit picky about the color but the carbonation? No not really.  8.25

Matt's mark: 4.12/5

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Wisconsin Stout- A Collaboration from Listermann Brewing & Untitled Art Brewing

Brewed with Maple and Lactose

10% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.15/5
Untappd score 4.1/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Shipment from Tavour - From Waunakee, Wisconsin & Cincinnati, Ohio

Don't let the picture to the right fool you as it was a nice, rainy day I decided to bring this bad boy out. It was a smart decision on my part 'cause big Imperials are always oh-so-nice on a damp evening after work on a weekend. I can induce myself into a beer coma and not have to worry about anything else...other than taking notes for the review! So, let's get on with it already.

Aroma: Sweet maple syrup at the front. Slides into chocolate and toffee with a bit of coffee to round it out.  9

Appearance: A dark chocolate with a creamy head that looks as if dusted with a bit of cocoa. The head lasts for quite awhile.  9.2

Flavor: Tastes like a creamy marshmallow and chocolate. I detect hints of vanilla, burnt sugar, smoke and a dash of coffee. Very sweet and honestly, it reminds me of a s'more.  9.2

Mouthfeel: Dry and with the right amount of carbonation. Quite perfect for a stout.   9

Overall:  This collaboration brew was definitely the right choice to make for a cool evening. I felt like I was sitting around a campfire and eating a delicious s'more...without the smelly, smoky clothes. The brew itself was quite sweet but was short of being cloying. You definitely don't want to drink more than one in a sitting because, well, high ABV and sweetness would make for a killer hangover I presume. I don't get hangovers so I am just going off hearsay...don't hate me.  9

Matt's mark: 4.5/5

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Lupulin Brewing's Hooey NE England Hazy IPA

60 IBU 6.2% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.3/5
Untappd score 4.05/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong A
merican pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hop-forward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Another Tavour shipment beer. Hails from Big Lake, Minnesota.

Phew! It's been a busy August. Lots of traveling and hanging out with friends. Lots of good beers and great places visited. All the fun left no time to actually review any beers. My travels took me to Bend/Redmond, Oregon (where I visited Wild Ride, Crux and Bend Brewing), The Dalles, Oregon (Freebridge Brewing) and finally Twin Falls, Idaho (home of Koto Brewing)... I wouldn't have been able to decide which one anyway. Good thing I had a few brewski's in the fridge when I arrived home. Of course, it's another IPA... cause summer. On to the review!

Aroma: Extra dankness exuding a little bit of an earthy floral aroma. Detect a little bit of melon and citrus as well. Nicely done.  8

Appearance: A delicious, hazy golden straw with a thick white head. Really nice lacing and no noticeable floaties.  8

Flavor: Really juicy. A nice floral touch up front but quickly dives deep into melon and citrus. Almost no after taste...which is interesting.  7.7

Mouthfeel: Dry and clean. Almost like it never touched your lips.  8.1

Overall: A solid offering from Lupulin Brewing. I haven't had an IPA with melon flavors before this, it's quite enjoyable and quenching. I would have like a little bit more of the dankness that was in the aroma to come through the flavor profile...not sure how that didn't happen. Maybe my tasters were off? Whatever the case, some bitterness on the back end needed to happen. The no after taste was a first for me but it didn't ruin the experience whatsoever. Highly recommend.  7.9

Matt's mark: 3.97/5

Monday, August 5, 2019

Because You're Worth It Double IPA from Noble Ale Works

IBU's - not available (high) 9.7% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.42/5 (2 votes
Untappd - 4.18/5

22A. Double IPA

An intensely hoppy, fairly strong pale ale without the big, rich, complex maltiness and residual sweetness and body of an American barleywine. Strongly hopped, but clean, dry, and lacking harshness. Drinkability is an important characteristic; this should not be a heavy, sipping beer.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Anaheim, California

I gotta be honest, I decided on this one because, well, I am worth it... and the high ABV. I also had to get this one to see if they are worth it for you as well. I hope you see how I am sooo helpful. On to the scores!

Aroma: A masterly created piney resinous aroma mixed in with a multitude of citrus flavors... mainly of mango and pineapple. Hints of melon as well.  8.3

Appearance: It looks like pineapple juice with pulp due to the haziness of the brew. Has a thin white head that persists even though it's not thick.   8.6

Flavor: The citrus fruits are at the forefront (again, mainly consisting of mango and pineapple) that smooths out to a bit of a melon flavor with nice bitterness bite at the back of the tongue.  8.8

Mouthfeel: Saturates the entire mouth with a lingering melon sweetness. Not dry but still quite refreshing.  8.2

Overall: I was not expecting the melon flavor mixed with the citrus fruits. It lent for some added complexity and went very well together. A solid offering from Noble. It's also the first time I have had anything from Noble... it definitely won't be the last time though. Highly recommend.  8.5

Matt's mark: 4.24/5

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mango Flossi Kettle Sour by Barebottle Brewing Company

11 IBU's 5% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.2/5 (2 votes
Untappd - 4.11/5

28B. Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer

American Wild Ales are beers that are introduced to "wild" yeast or bacteria, such as Brettanomyces, Pediococcus, or Lactobacillus. This introduction may occur from oak barrels that have been previously inoculated, pitching into the beer, or gained from various "sour mash" techniques. Regardless of the method, these yeast and/or bacteria leave a mark that should be noticeable to strong, and often contribute a sour and/or funky, wild note. Mixed-fermentation examples will display a range of aromatics, rather than a single dominant character.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from San Francisco, California

There is something about a nice kettle sour on a hot summer day that really just drives you into relaxation mode. When shopping from the beers Tavour had to offer, I couldn't pass up on the mango sour. Mango's are my favorite tropical fruit and the fact Barebottle made it into a sour is amazing. I mean, it's almost as awesome as finding a raspberry sour! Just so you are aware, I never, ever pass up a raspberry sour. All right, sliding back on topic... on to the scores!

Aroma: Imagine opening up a package of dried mango's for the first time. That is what the Mango Flossi smells like... with a hint of vanilla in the back.  8.5

Appearance: A nice hazy, golden straw reminiscent of the actually flesh of the mango. Has a quickly evaporating white head with little to no lacing. Typical of a sour.   8

Flavor: A pop of sour at the front, lightly hopped and no bitterness. Smooths out to a slightly sweet (probably from the lactose) mango bonanza with hints of vanilla noticeable on the back of the tongue. Stellar.  9

Mouthfeel: Crisp, light and dry, perfect for a sunny evening on the porch. Or relaxing in some shade in the backyard if you prefer.  8.75

Overall: Barebottle did a nice job with this refreshing brew... and they even provided the recipe right there on can (not bottle, it's a little confusing) for all you homebrewer's out there. The Mango Flossi has great flavor and is quite refreshing and I would recommend it to all sour lovers. If you are new to sours, this is the perfect gateway sour to start with before going on to other styles.    8.5

Matt's mark: 4.28/5

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pseudo Sue Pale Ale from Toppling Goliath Brewing Co.

6.8% ABV 50 IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.51/5
Untappd score 4.18/5

18B. American Pale Ale

A pale, refreshing and hoppy ale, yet with sufficient supporting malt to make the beer balanced and drinkable. The clean hop presence can reflect classic or modern American or New World hop varieties with a wide range of characteristics. An average-strength hop-forward pale American craft beer, generally balanced to be more accessible than modern American IPAs.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Decorah, Iowa

Tavour was offering a lot of IPA's and Stout's... I mean a lot. So when they offered a plain ol' Pale Ale, I jumped at the chance to pick it up. Don't get me wrong, I like IPA's and Stouts (as evidenced from previous posts), but I needed to expand my horizons for my beer reviews. And this one has a dinosaur on the can! How cool is that! On to the review!

Aroma: Forward hoppy-ness aromas consisting mainly of the citrus varieties. Mostly mango... yep, smells like a mango kart. 7.8

Appearance: For a "Pale Ale", it's not very pale. More of a dark golden to a light copper color. Add a dash more tint to it, you could confuse with an amber. It's a hazy brew with a 1/2 inch white head.  7

Flavor: Mild citrus bitterness at the forefront (can tell they used my favorite hop, Citra). The flavor constists mostly of mango. Kinda tastes like a cross between a hazy IPA and a pale ale. Decent malt backbone balances it out.  8

Mouthfeel: Smooth and not as dry as an IPA, more like a pale ale...which it is marketed as. Crushable and refreshing.   7.8

Overall: Toppling Goliath has a good brew here. The overall score may not reflect how much I actually enjoyed it. I think if they marketed as a hazy IPA, the score would probably be a few points higher resembling more the Untappd score. Definitely a crushable brew on a Sunday afternoon. I should mention the Beer Advocate score is much higher than it should be... some knucklehead rated it 4.98! I am thinking some bias was added to that one.  7.7

Matt's mark: 3.83/5

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Pipeworks Brewing Pistachio Jones Dog Milk Stout

Brewed with Cacao nibs, lactose, vanilla beans and natural pistachio flavor

8.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.25/5
Untappd score 4.06/5

16A. Sweet Stout

A very dark, sweet, full-bodied, slightly roasty ale that can suggest coffee-and-cream, or sweetened espresso.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Chicago, Illinois

I love pistachios. I also love ice cream. If you put them together, that's a no brainer! Then cacao nibs and vanilla beans are added? It's heaven... I must be in heaven. On to the review!

Aroma: A sweet biscuit aroma with layers of chocolate, vanilla and a nutty undertone. Instant salivating occurred.  9

Appearance: It's a very dark beer a thick latté head. As the head dissipates, it leaves decent lacing behind. 8

Flavor: A dessert for sure! Chocolate creaminess. Tastes like a malt chocolate ball with a pinch of pistachios added in. It's a sweet beer but not cloyingly so.  9.2

Mouthfeel: Heavy, creamy but smooth. The carbonation is the right level.  8

Overall: I had a feeling this was going to be delicious as soon as I saw Tavour offering it. Yet another brew I am bummed I did not grab two. I erroneously decided to drink this guy right before dinner. Yeah, I couldn't eat dinner for an hour afterwards. It's definitely a dessert beer so plan your drinking and eating times appropriately. 8.5

Matt's mark: 4.27/5

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Elk Prince Triple IPA by Anchorage Brewing Company

10.4% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.14/5
Untappd score 4.24/5

22A. Double IPA (Triple is in same category)

An intensely hoppy, fairly strong pale ale without the big, rich, complex maltiness and residual sweetness and body of an American barleywine. Strongly hopped, but clean, dry, and lacking harshness. Drinkability is an important characteristic; this should not be a heavy, sipping beer.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Anchorage, Alaska

I chose this one from Tavour 'cause of the name of the beer. I mean, seriously, The Elk Prince is just a cool name. It definitely impresses upon you that it is bad ass and decadent at the same time. And the artwork on the can is amazing. I tried to capture the beautiful artwork but I don't think I did it any justice. Oh well, you win some and you lose some...but I don't consider it a loss 'cause beer! On to the review!

Aroma: I noticed pineapple, mango and delicious hops that made the citrus fruits pop. While it is mostly citrus, a little resin on the back end balanced it out.  9

Appearance: Pours out a light orange color which is topped with a thick, pillowy white head. It's hazy, like watered down orange juice with no pulp.  8.8

Flavor: Interesting. Not overly sweet or bitter. I guess that means well balanced. The resin hits first but mainly a citrus profile. Has decent biscuit malt profile throughout. Super crushable despite the high ABV.   9

Mouthfeel: Dry and smooth. Very refreshing and not as heavy as other high ABV beers are. Not as much carbonation as a Brut IPA but close. 8.7

Overall: So, yeah, Anchorage Brewing definitely knows what they are doing. This beer has everything I look for in a high ABV beer during the summertime. Refreshing citrus flavors that are well balanced with the bitterness of the hops... which makes it super crushable. It left me wishing I had another when I got to the bottom of my glass. Probably the best IPA I've ever had. No joke.  8.8

Matt's mark: 4.43/5

Monday, July 1, 2019

El Jefe Imperial Stout by 4 Noses Brewing

Brewed with Coffee and Cinnamon

7.4% ABV 20 IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 3.85/5
Untappd score 4.03/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Broomfield, Colorado

My first beer review from my Tavour shipment! I had to go a different route to find some breweries and brewski's that I hadn't had before. Then I was talking to friend and he started talking about Tavour, which is a beer club membership that you only pay for what you want (of course, you can only choose from what is being offered...of which there are plenty of offerings everyday and new ones being added constantly). And wouldn't you know it? I am starting off with an Imperial Stout. I know, it's a total surprise right? On to the review!

Aroma: Notes of coffee and cinnamon. Not shocking as it was stated on the can for all to see. Not much of a roast aroma detected but it is there. 7

Appearance: A dark beer with reddish hues. Has a decent tan head with nice lacing. Looks like a stout.  7.7

Flavor: Mostly a dose of cinnamon up front with a little bit of roast coming through to give it a little complexity. Gives way to a decent coffee bitterness on the back end. Notes of chocolate were detected at various points.  8.2

Mouthfeel: It feels light bodied for an imperial stout. Smooth and low to medium carbonation.   8

Overall: For an Imperial Stout, I would have liked a little more of the roast flavor coming through. Maybe toning it down on the cinnamon would help that out. Overall though, El Jefe is a nice dark beer that is flavorful. It is unusually light for an imperial which makes it more sessionable...which was serendipitous since the shipment came with two of these bad boys. All in all, It was a solid brew that I definitely wouldn't pass up if offered again. 7.7

Matt's mark: 3.86/5

Friday, June 21, 2019

Straight Outta Mashville Brown Ale by Matchless Brewing

4.6% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.84/5
Untappd - 3.69/5

13B. British Brown Ale:
A malty, brown caramel-centric British ale without the roasted flavors of a Porter.

Found at the Market of Choice

I just love the label on this one. The ABV is nothing to write home about so something had to draw me to this particular brew. An electric cowboy riding an electric bull with a funny play on words for the name of the brew? It has to be a delicious, right? Right? On to the review!

Aroma: My detector noticed malt (good to have for brown's), a little hint of chocolate and some toasty biscuit. Got a little bit of coffee as well...  7.1

Appearance: It's definitely darker than a brown ale...more like a porter than anything else. Nice 1/2 inch head with good lacing.  7

Flavor: Biscuit and malt. Hints of chocolate, toffee and coffee. Now, I made be a little bit crazy in saying this, but seems more porter like in general.  7.2

Mouthfeel: Light bodied for sure. An easy drinking, sessionable beer.  7.1

Overall: I must say that this brew is not bad...quite solid actually. I am not quite sure I would categorize it as a brown ale though. Just seems to be more of a porter to me. It's darker than brown and has a few flavor characteristics of a porter. Maybe the "Mashville" is a mashup of the two styles?I think I am on to something here.  7.1

Matt's mark: 3.55/5

Monday, June 10, 2019

Dragons & Yum Yums by Dogfish Head Brewery

In collaboration with The Flaming Lips

25 IBU 6.5% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.67/5
Untappd - 3.62/5

18B. American Pale Ale: A pale, refreshing and hoppy ale, yet with sufficient supporting malt to make the beer balanced and drinkable. The clean hop presence can reflect classic or modern American or New World hop varieties with a wide range of characteristics. An average-strength hop-forward pale American craft beer, generally balanced to be more accessible than modern American IPAs.

Found at the Market of Choice

For this brew, I wanted to find something fun. Then I had a flashback to my Meat Department days when I actually worked for the Market of Choice...Dogfish Head does wonderful and fun beers! I had the Midas Touch circa 2009 and it was beautifully delicious. So, I scoured the bottles with my eyes and found Dragons & Yum Yums. It definitely looks fun with dragons and rainbows and flaming lips and stuff. On to the review!

Aroma: A very fruit forward beer. So much so, I can't pick out anything in particular. All I can say is it starts off sweet and tails into a bit of tartness. Nothing fancy.   7

Appearance:  It's a beautiful looking brew. Almost Rosé like. Not quite as pink and a little darker but yeah, Rosé like. It has a bright white head that contrasts beautifully.   8.5

Flavor: Definitely fruity. Surprisingly, there is little sweetness and not as tart as I would like. My palate can't discern individual fruits...has too much going on. Drinkable though.  6.5

Mouthfeel: It is a light bodied brew, which is typical of a fruity beer. Not as smooth as I would like for a summer drinking companion.   6

Overall: Well, I thought the idea of the brew was fun. Turns out, even a venerable brewery like Dogfish Head can have non-kaplowy beers. It's totally drinkable, I just think it has too many flavors going on...which is bound to happen when you have 5 different fruits and vegetable (yes, black carrot juice) going in. I do applaud them for trying it though. You never know when you might stumble on something brilliant. This one was probably released to the masses cause of it's collaboration with The Flaming Lips to drive sales.  7

Matt's mark: 3.5/5

Sunday, June 2, 2019

#MOREFRIENDS #MOREMEMORIES Sour by Breakside Brewery

Limited Edition Wood-Aged Sour w/ Raspberries

12 IBU's 6.6% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.07/5
Untappd - 4.08/5

28B. Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer

American Wild Ales are beers that are introduced to "wild" yeast or bacteria, such as Brettanomyces, Pediococcus, or Lactobacillus. This introduction may occur from oak barrels that have been previously inoculated, pitching into the beer, or gained from various "sour mash" techniques. Regardless of the method, these yeast and/or bacteria leave a mark that should be noticeable to strong, and often contribute a sour and/or funky, wild note. Mixed-fermentation examples will display a range of aromatics, rather than a single dominant character.

Purchased at Market of Choice

This was an impulse buy for Memorial weekend. I couldn't decide on which beer I I didn't decide and took them both. The Breakside Sour is the second of the two. It just happened to coincide with a visit from our friend Bryant and I was able to share the sour goodness with her. She happily obliged to be a guest reviewer as well so the tasting notes will include her and we both will give scores. So, on to the review!

Aroma: Has a fresh raspberry (I would hope so) and wood aroma. Light and refreshing.
Bryant's score:  7
My score:  8.5

Appearance: It is a deep, beautiful ruby red. It's not a hazy brew but it's also not exactly clear. The head is about 1/2 inch and slightly pinkish hue which dissipates surprisingly slowly for a sour.
Bryant's score:  8.5
My score:  8.5

Flavor: Not overwhelmingly sour (the Missus even liked the level of sourness), fruity and evaporates quickly. The wood flavor comes in later as the brew coats the mouth and warms in the glass.
Bryant's score:  8
My score:  8.25

Mouthfeel: It's a refreshingly light bodied brew that is bright and sparkly. Almost like a Prosecco. Dry finish.  
Bryant's score:  8.5
My score:  9

Overall: Both Bryant and I agreed the #MOREFRIENDS #MOREMEMORIES is one of the best sours we have had. It's very sessionable for a sour, which is definitely not always the case with sours. Since it is light and refreshing, it is a nice summer drink if you can get your hands on a bottle of it.
Bryant's score:  8
My score:  8.5

Bryant's mark: 4/5

Matt's mark: 4.25/5

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hair of the Dog Brewing Company's Adam Hearty Old World Ale

50 IBU 10% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.26/5
Untappd - 3.78/5

17B. English Old Ale

An ale of moderate to fairly significant alcoholic strength, bigger than standard beers, though usually not as strong or rich as barleywine. Often tilted towards a maltier balance. “It should be a warming beer of the type that is best drunk in half pints by a warm fire on a cold winter’s night”

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

I have been wanting to try this brewery for a long time. Of course, every time I am at the Market of Choice, it has been there...but it's in a small 12 oz. bottle and there are always other choices to be had in a 22 oz. Not this time though! Well, to be honest, I always use a three day weekend to splurge a little. That's what I did here as this was my first option but second choice. Or my second option and first choice? I swear I am not drunk. On to the review!

Aroma: The Missus says it is cleaner than a stout, more ale like. Little bit of malt and no hops. I agree to some extent. I smell a little bit of fruit (possibly fig 'cause reasons), vanilla, chocolate and smoke. Smoke! I wasn't expecting that. The bottle says I should smell leather as well. I guess I don't have the nose for leather.  8

Appearance: A dark, luscious cocoa brown with a pillowy, inch thick tan head that lasts for days. Nice clean beer. 8.2

Flavor: The Missus hates it. Says it tastes like too bitter like smoky burnt chocolate. Personally, I enjoyed all the flavors. Fig on the forefront (reasons explained) and then it trails off into a bittersweet commingling of malt, chocolate, vanilla and smoke bliss. Still don't detect the leather but I am okay with that I think. 9

Mouthfeel: I was surprised at how smooth and creamy this is for a full bodied big beer. Nice carbonation level as well.  8.5

Overall: First time drinking Hair of the Dog Brewing was definitely worth the wait. Delicious big beer that has every you want in an Old World Ale. Lots of different nuances to enjoy and some only other will detect (like the leather). I have allergies and live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon...some things just won't come through. 8.43

Matt's mark: 4.21/5

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ex Novo Brewing Company Kill the Sun Barrel-aged Imperial Stout

12.3% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.08/5
Untappd score 4.17/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Found at the Bier Stein

The Missus was out all weekend, helping out at a health fair in Bend,, I decided to do this bachelor weekend right. I was making an Imperial Stout myself so the theme definitely had to be just that. I ended up taking home a Chai Yeti from Great Divide and this bad boy from Ex Novo. Of course, they ended up being the perfect companions for a hard days work of brewing and watching random movies that the missus would never be interested in. The hardest part? Making sure I was cognizant enough to take notes! On to the review!

Aroma:  A phenomenal start. Boozy. A nice swirling bouquet of vanilla, wood, coffee, chocolate and malt. I think I started drooling.   9

Appearance:   Dark, black tar, oil...all of those would be apt. Definitely no light getting through it. Small amount of a deep tan head that sticks around for a decent time.  8.5

Flavor:  The brew seems to have a Russian Stout backbone. Notes of chocolate, roasted malts and charred wood. Caramel and vanilla are noticeable as well. Boozy.  9

Mouthfeel:  Medium body. Not as heavy as one would think. Nice sipper.  8

Overall:   This was a great ending to the weekend. Much better than the disaster season 8 of GoT (don't get me started). Kill the Sun had every thing you look for in an Imperial Stout and I would for sure buy this one again. I recommend it to all the masses that love big, black boozy beers. Remember though, you only need one...otherwise, you might not remember the weekend. 8.5

Matt's mark: 4.3/5

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Buoy Beer Company's Cream Ale

19 IBU 5.7% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.78/5
Untappd - 3.55

1C. Cream Ale

A clean, well-attenuated, flavorful American “lawnmower” beer. Easily drinkable and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers.

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

I remember the first time I discovered Buoy Beer. They had just opened up in Astoria, Oregon on the boardwalk along the water. The Missus and I were in town (I was running the 10K, the missus was wondering why I signed up for the 10K) and it was the day before the race and we were looking for good beer. We knew about Fort George but we had already passed it and didn't want to turn around. So we tried it...and it was good. So, of course, I decided to try it again. I bought the 6 pack and then promptly signed up for the 10K in Astoria right after. I am always looking for a reason to travel to Astoria. On to the review!

Aroma: It's mostly slightly sweet grains with hints of earthy hops and a dash of vanilla. The vanilla a little unusual for this style.  7

Appearance: An inch thick white head sitting on top of a clear golden straw brew. Beautiful.  8.5

Flavor: Tastes almost exactly like its aroma. Slightly sweet malt/grains, vanilla creaminess and a touch of hops on the back end. Nicely balanced. 7.5

Mouthfeel: Not heavy, somewhere between low to medium. Has nice carbonation and a light, dry finish.  7

Overall: Buoy does a solid job with this brew. It does a nice job of quenching your thirst while also providing more flavor than a lager. I'll take that every day of the week. Although, 5.7% is a little high ABV for a lawnmower beer... but I am not complaining. I am not going to lie, I also wanted to see how it stacked up against my go to from Pelican Brewing. Not quite there but not far behind. 7.5

Matt's mark: 3.75/5

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tropic Pines IPA by Bend Brewing Company

65 IBU 6.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - N/A
Untappd score 3.8/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Found at The Bier Stein

I don't get out to the High Desert much here in Oregon. I have passed through Bend maybe 10 times in my 38 years...but I do have a beer pub crawl on my bucket list. I decided on Tropic Pines from Bend Brewing mainly because I have never had one of their beers. The cans always look festive and cheery, something you would drink on a warm summer (or spring) evening. Luckily, we've had those for the past two weeks! On to the review!

Aroma: I smell grapefruit, orange peel, pine needles and floral hops. The pine needle aroma might come from the pine branches I moved earlier but who really knows?  7

Appearance: Pours out slightly hazy (gone are the days of no haze) with a golden straw body and a creamy white head. The head dissipates slowly and has nice lacing  7.5

Flavor: A solid tasting profile of grapefruit and hop bitterness with a touch of earth. It's mainly the grapefruit though.   7

Mouthfeel: Dry and smooth. Very refreshing as citrus beers are want to be.  8

Overall: Bend Brewing does a solid job with the slightly hazy Tropic Pines. While not the best IPA I have had, it was quite refreshing and I wish I had another one on hand...I did have the Ching Ching Sour though, that was a nice consolation prize.  7.4

Matt's mark: 3.69/5

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Pipe Wrench Gin Barrel Aged IPA by Gigantic Brewing

Aged in Ransom Old Tom Gin Barrels

85 IBU 8% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.05/5
Untappd score 3.88/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Found at the Market of Choice

I am not going to lie, I bought this brew purely on the label. It's a beautiful piece of artwork done by Olivia Knapp (whom I have never heard of before). You can learn more about her on I haven't yet but I plan to. But by sheer luck, the Pipe Wrench is a barrel aged beer! This time it comes from Gin barrels. I did't even realize it until I was home reading the label. It's the little things in life. Now on to the review!

Aroma: A sweet citrus, floral and resinous pine aroma (assume mostly from the juniper). Has a nice, earthy undertone.  8

Appearance: Pours a little hazy but has a nice agate coloring to it. Big head with the coloring of eggshell. Leaves a decent amount of lacing behind.  7.5

Flavor: Interesting profile. You can tell it was aged in Gin barrels. The botanicals show through along with resinous pine and lemon. Lingering hops on the back. Solid.   8

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and sticky. It coats the mouth (not in a bad way) and lingers. Nice carbonation level.   8

Overall: Gigantic did a fine job on this one. I like it when brewery's get creative like this and deliver unique experiences. This is definitely one to consider on a warm, sunny, spring afternoon or evening. Sit on the hammock, relax and knock down a pint of Pipe Wrench is time well spent. 7.87

Matt's mark: 3.94/5

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Budweiser Copper Lager

6.2% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.45/5
Untappd - 3.19/5

1B. American Lager: A very pale, highly-carbonated, light-bodied, well-attenuated lager with a very neutral flavor profile and low bitterness. Served very cold, it can be a very refreshing and thirst quenching drink.

Purchased at Safeway (but really any grocery)

Sooooo, I broke a rule that I set for myself. The rule states "I will not buy any "beer" that is owned by any of the major companies or has sold to them in any capacity." Believe me, it is very hard to uphold this rule especially since my favorite (ex-fave now) brewery in the Lane County area went down this path about 4 years ago. But I broke this rule for family. It was suggested by the Missus's uncle that I try this particular beverage. He swore by it and said that I wouldn't regret it...he even begged me to do it (I can't actually remember how the conversation went but I imagine it was something like this). So here we are, almost an entire year later and I finally succumbed. I hope you're happy Teddy, I hope you are happy. On to the review!

Aroma: Not much going on here. A little malty and a tad of spice. Overall, it's fairly bland.   5

Appearance:  This concoction has little to no head and minimal lacing. I do like the color of it though. It's a beautifully clear copper color.   8

Flavor: Tastes like a Bud Lager with a little bit of whiskey added to it...maybe enough to bring it up to 6.2% ABV? Probably not. I was a hoping for a little more in this category.  5

Mouthfeel: It gave my mouth a weird I hadn't drank anything after I took a sip. I also thought it needed more carbonation.   5

Overall: I must admit, I didn't hate it. Not a ringing endorsement is it? It's a little dangerous 'cause you might be thirsty and need some water and accidentally pick this up and don't realize it's alcoholic. I mean, 6.2% ABV can mess you up if you aren't expecting it. The label touted some really nice flavoids to expect from the Copper but mostly, it just tasted like regular Budweiser to me...which is the main reason I started drinking craft in the first place...the color of it is really nice though...   5.75

Matt's mark: 2.88/5

Monday, April 15, 2019

Ommegang Brewery's King in the North Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout

Game of Thrones Royal Reserve Collection

11% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.05/5
Untappd score 3.94/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Found at Market of Choice

If I need to explain why I chose this brew for this week's review, you're obviously not a Game of Thrones fan. I know I am not alone in imbibing this treat for the premiere of the last season. That is all. Now on to the review!

Aroma:  First whiff of this one and I knew it was going to be good. Mainly Bourbon and vanilla up front. Rounded out with chocolate and coffee. Salivation occurs instantly.  9

Appearance:   It's not tar black. More of a really deep dark coffee color with red hues to it. Very pretty. Has a thick tan head to go along with it.  8

Flavor:  I feel like this is exactly the same as the aroma. Bourbon and vanilla up front with chocolate and coffee afterwards. The boozy bourbon floats back in at the end. Stellar.  9

Mouthfeel:  Thick, coats the tongue. Does have a nice creaminess.  8

Overall:   I must be kin with the King of the North 'cause it feels like Ommegang made this for me. I just love a big boozy imperial stout and this one does not disappoint. If I had one complaint, just a tad too sweet. Not cloyingly sweet, so it does not detract from the brew that much...if at all. A great companion (along with the Missus) for the premiere of the final season of GoT (which, of course, we immediately watched again as soon as it ended). 8.5

Matt's mark: 4.25/5

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

To Øl Goliat Maple Beacon Edition

10.2% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.78/5
Untappd - 3.93/5

220C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Purchased at Market of Choice

So, ok, I originally selected this brew because I thought the label said Maple doesn't. It actually reads Maple Beacon...and I have no idea what this means. Whatever, it's an imperial stout that rested on bourbon oak chips. It has to be good, right? On to the review!

Aroma:  On my first whiff, I detect a little smoke. Behind it is a sweet burnt sugar (maybe maple?) and an earthy wood aroma. Finishes off with a faint coffee and chocolate teaser.  8

Appearance:   Black. Tar black, with a nice thick tan head that lasts for a very long time. Great lacing.  9

Flavor:  A touch of smoke up front. Dives in to some coffee bitterness that parlays into some chocolate undertones. Smooths out to a sweet burnt sugar and some earthiness on the back end. Very little bourbon but it is detectable if you try hard enough.  8

Mouthfeel:  Heavy, thick, oily. Coats the mouth and leaves you tasting the brew well after each sip.  8

Overall:  After my initial disappointment of realizing there is no bacon in this brew, I was definitely satisfied with the quality of it. In other words, the disappointment didn't last long after the first sip. To Øl does a nice job mingling different, distinct flavors into this bottle of smoky imperial heaviness. None of which are overpowering. This is a definite must try if you come across it.  8.25

Matt's mark: 4.13/5

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Monkless Belgian Ales Dubbel or Nothing

Belgian-Style Dubbel Ale

7.2% ABV 23 IBU's
Beer Advocate - 3.79/5
Untappd - 3.78/5

26B. Belgian Dubbel

A deep reddish-copper, moderately strong, malty, complex Trappist ale with rich malty flavors, dark or dried fruit esters, and light alcohol blended together in a malty presentation that still finishes fairly dry.

Purchased at Market of Choice

Believe it or not, but this is the first time I've had anything from Monkless. Many people in the know (beer snobs, which I include myself now) have recommended them to me countless times. I would see a bottle of their brew and get distracted by a barrel aged brew every time. Can you blame me? I mean, really, can you? But finally! A Monkless brew to review. On to it then.

Aroma: It has a mild spicy floral with hint of citrus in the aroma to my nose, which, admittedly, deceives me this time of the year. Too many flowery things growing outside. The missus says there is the tiniest hint of coffee but I didn't detect it myself.    7

Appearance:  A nice darker amber color but is not a clean beer with a little haze. It has a good head at least an inch thick (probably thicker) that slowly dissipates. Decent amount of lacing.  7

Flavor: Nice malty backbone. Has a bit of raisin (where the hell did I get citrus from?) and some caramel character. Finishes off with some toast. Well rounded flavors. The bottle does say hints of chocolate but I call shenanigans on that.   8

Mouthfeel: A nice dry finish with the right amount of carbonation for the style. Leaves me wanting more on each sip...I like that.  8

Overall: Well, the beer snobs were not wrong, Monkless makes a solid Dubbel. It doesn't blow you away by any means but I don't think that is what they are going for. It is a nice, consistent brew trying to adhere to the style guidelines... to which Monkless did an impressive job. I would drink this anytime, anywhere.  7.5

Matt's mark: 3.75/5

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Cascade Brewing Primordial Noir

Bourbon Barrl Aged Imperial Red Ale
with Cherries and Spices (NW Sour)

10.5% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.1/5
Untappd - 4.2/5

28B. Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer

American Wild Ales are beers that are introduced to "wild" yeast or bacteria, such as Brettanomyces, Pediococcus, or Lactobacillus. This introduction may occur from oak barrels that have been previously inoculated, pitching into the beer, or gained from various "sour mash" techniques. Regardless of the method, these yeast and/or bacteria leave a mark that should be noticeable to strong, and often contribute a sour and/or funky, wild note. Mixed-fermentation examples will display a range of aromatics, rather than a single dominant character.

Purchased at Market of Choice

I had been eyeing this particular brew for awhile now. I mean, what's not to like about the appearance and description? A blending of Imperial Red Ales that have been aged in Bourbon Barrels and Wine Barrels sounds delicious to me. The fact it has Cherries and Spices makes it even better. On top of all that, it's a sour?!? Yes please! Not to forget the ABV coming in at 10.5%. All the makings for an unforgettable brew. Now on to the review!

Aroma: I definitely detect the cherry. It has a nice sourness to the smell (some sours remind me of vomit, this does not). Small trace of bourbon in the back with a mingling of spices (so says the missus, I didn't detect spices).   8

Appearance: A nice deep mahogany with very little head. Has decent lacing. Beautiful, almost brings a tear to my eye. Not really, but still.   8

Flavor: Wow! The complexity is astounding. Has a nice sourness leading off that ventures into a complex co-mingling of a savory red wine (reminds of Marachel Foch), cherry and a subtle touch of bourbon. The spices are there but not coming through a whole lot. 9

Mouthfeel: Low carbonation and feels like drinking a fine wine. I expected as much. 8

Overall: The missus scrunches here nose..."smells savory" she says. Takes a drink, "bleh! No wonder! It's a sour!" Let's just say sours are not her favorite. But I like them...I like them a lot. Especially this one. Cascade does a masterful job of creating a complex brew for your enjoyment. If you like sours, I highly recommend this one. The complexities will delight the senses that makes the price of the brew (about $13) well worth it.  8.25

Matt's mark: 4.13/5

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Cetacea Saison with Szechuan Peppercorns by Yachats Brewing

6.6% ABV
Beer Advocate score - n/a
Untappd score 3.88/5

25B. Saison

Most commonly, a pale, refreshing, highly-attenuated, moderately-bitter, moderate-strength Belgian ale with a very dry finish. Typically highly carbonated, and using non-barley cereal grains and optional spices for complexity, as complements the expressive yeast character that is fruity, spicy, and not overly phenolic. Less common variations include both lower-alcohol and higher-alcohol products, as well as darker versions with additional malt character.

Found at the Market of Choice

I had been eyeing this particular brew for about a month now. I just love the label...and also Saison's of course. I haven't had a Yachats Brewing beer for a couple or three years because I don't get out to the coast much and they can be fairly spendy on the shelf. This time though, the label won me over...and of course, it being a Saison. I also thought it was a pretty cool name (named after a diverse group of of aquatic mammals)...and also the fact that it's a Saison. On to the review!

Aroma:  A spicy floral on the nose with a decent malt back bone. Smooths out to a nice touch of sweet citrus on the back end.  7.75

Appearance:  Has a nice harvest gold color with a thick inch head that leaves medium lacing as it dissipates. A little hazy.  7.5

Flavor:  The missus says it's goaty and barnyardy. It does have an aroma reminiscent of a farm (it is a farmhouse ale after all), but I didn't detect any goat though. More of a straw with sweet citrus and a subtle (and I mean subtle) bite of the peppercorn. Definitely interesting.  7.75

Mouthfeel:  Dry, crisp and easy drinking. Not as highly carbonated as I thought it was going to be but not off putting at all.  8

Overall:  A solid offering from Yachats Brewing. I found it to be an interesting addition to the Saison family. The brew marked off all the check marks for a Saison but it might be awhile until I purchase another one of these though. Kinda a steep price to pay for a pint of beer at $10 a bottle.  7.75

Matt's mark: 3.88/5

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Irish-ish Coffee Stout by Eviltwin Brewing

Brewed for Eviltwin Brewing by Dorchester Brewing Company
Shot taken before hell broke loose

10.3% ABV 58 IBU
Beer Advocate score - 4.19/5
 Untappd score 4.04/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Found at The Bier Stein

The ruler is 18 inches
Wow! What a week! This review is coming at you a few days's not my fault, I swear! The weekend started off innocently enough. Had a nice lunch at my favorite watering hole (The Brewstation) which had a tap take over the night before from Caldera Brewing (had a nice Raspberry Sour called Mother Pucker). After which, I went home and started my home-brew, a gruit ale called a Kvasir (mainly a wheat beer with honey, lingonberry, cranberry, meadowsweet and yarrow). Cleaned up and then relaxed with the missus. Next day, all hell broke loose. It started with a few small snowflakes on Sunday at 11:30am. It didn't stop until 7:00pm the next day. In the meantime, the yeast got a little vigorous and caused a blowout in my fermenter, which hasn't happened to me in 4 years. It was a harbinger of things to come. To summarize, we lost power sometime during the night and woke up to about 15 inches of snow! On the valley floor! Unheard of in these parts. Thank God for the wood stove, hot water (natural gas is the only way to go), a good book and alcohol or we would have been in for much more of a disaster. We didn't get power back until late Tuesday and the Internet was down until early Friday. So here we are, now on to the review!

Aroma: Has a lot going on with it. An herbaceous vanilla up front with a peppery Poblano smell. I rechecked the label, no mention of peppers. It finished off with a toasted malt character and coffee off in the distance.   9

Appearance: Deep coffee color with half inch cream head. Poured a tiny bit syrupy.  8

Flavor: An explosion of flavors! First off, didn't taste any Poblano (made sense). What I did taste were toasted malts, vanilla, nutmeg and coffee with the slightest of hints of chocolate on the back end.  9

Mouthfeel:  Nice medium bodied brew with a touch of creaminess from the lactose used. Not syrupy.  8

Overall: I have always wanted to try an Eviltwin Brewing beer. This did not disappoint. The aroma of the brew alone was quite an experience. Not sure if my sniffer was broken but I still swear I detected pepper. Whatever the case, Irish-ish Coffee Stout has everything you look for in an Imperial Coffee Stout plus probably a little more than what you payed for. Highly recommend.   8.5

Matt's mark: 4.25/5

Thursday, February 21, 2019

IPA NO.5 by Ground Breaker Brewing + Gastropub

100% Gluten-Free Craft Beer
Crafted in a Dedicated Gluten-Free Brewery

70 IBU 6% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.7/5
Untappd score 3.4/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Found at Safeway

I once had a gluten free beer back in the day when Omission started hitting the market. I don't recall if I liked it or not...definitely not a good sign. So, I decided to try another one. The description makes it sound interesting with the use of Sorghum, Lentils and Chestnuts. Can't say I have never had a beer made using chestnuts. Or lentils. Anywho, on to the review!

Aroma: A sweet pineapple citrus aroma with an aggressive nose full of sharp hop backing it up. Smells like an IPA.  7

Appearance: Love the color. It's a little bit past a copper color, almost a red ale. A nominal head but does have decent lacing. Beautiful looking beer.  9

Flavor: Unique. I have never tasted anything like it. Hop forward with a citrus cutting through it. This gives way to a flavor I can't pin down. It's trying to simulate a malty backbone but just doesn't quite get there.  6

Mouthfeel: Crisp and the right level of carbonation. Nicely rounds out the beer.   7

Overall: Considering this is my second/first attempt at a gluten free beer, I really didn't know what to expect. Ground Breaker does a decent job of hitting all the IPA categories except for one. The malt flavor just doesn't taste like malt to me but it has its own uniqueness. It's not a bad flavor, just different...and different is good...especially in a beer. IPA NO.5 is a solid offering if gluten free is your thing or if you want a different tasting IPA. Let's face it, a lot of IPA's taste the same. 7.25

Matt's mark: 3.63/5

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Weapon of Mass Seduction Chocolate Oyster Stout by Gigantic Brewing Company

7.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.04/5
Untappd score 3.9/5

20B. American Stout

A fairly strong, highly roasted, bitter, hoppy dark stout. Has the body and dark flavors typical of stouts with a more aggressive American hop character and bitterness.

Found at Safeway/Albertson's

I found a beer that I have never had in the last place I suspected it would a Safeway in small town Oregon. To top it all off, it is Valentine's Day themed! I didn't really think about it, just kinda happened that way. I mean, Weapon of Mass Seduction Chocolate Oyster Stout definitely screams Valentine's Day right? Right? Or maybe I am imagining things...anyway, on to the review.

Aroma: So, the aroma was chocolate, with a touch of chocolate and then chocolate on the back end. I did detect a little bit of a faint ocean smell underlying it, not really. I just smelled chocolate. Which, don't get me wrong, is not a bad thing. I just thought there would be more.  7.5

Appearance: Looks decadent. Deep, dark chocolate roasty color with a nice thick, lightly colored chocolate head. Looks as if it might actually be chocolate. 9

Flavor: Yep, just what I thought. Bitter chocolate up front which smooths out a bit with mild sweetness. Has a nice touch of brine tingling on the back of the tongue. Also, just so you know, it doesn't taste like an oyster... and that is a good thing. 9.5

Mouthfeel: A really nice creamy texture from oatmeal with the right amount of carbonation. Left me wanting to drink more despite the richness of the flavor.  9.25

Overall: I really didn't know what to expect from this brew. In my opinion, it's quite exotic. I mean, Gigantic didn't use just oyster shells, real oysters were used. Well, they hit it out of the park with this one. I don't know if it is an aphrodisiac or anything for Valentine's night, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. At the very least, you will love this brew if you like chocolate and/or stouts...of which I love both. This weapon does pair well with chocolate (I know, shocker right?) and I paired mine with a Bourbon Cask Aged Unroasted Dark Chocolate bar from Raaka that I found at my local chocolatier, Sanity Chocolate. If you're in Portland, I recommend going straight to the source of the chocolate that seduces in the brew, Woodblock Chocolate. And if you are ever in Cottage Grove, check out Sanity Chocolate as they have fantastic chocolate. There, I think I have covered all the shout outs. 8.75

Matt's mark: 4.4/5