Tuesday, October 8, 2019

3.8 Miles Hazy Double IPA from Weldwerks Brewing

Brewed with Mosaic, El Dorado & Lemondrops hops

ABV - 8.4% IBU's - not available
Beer Advocate - 4.18/5
Untappd - 4.2/5

22A. Double IPA

An intensely hoppy, fairly strong pale ale without the big, rich, complex maltiness and residual sweetness and body of an American barleywine. Strongly hopped, but clean, dry, and lacking harshness. Drinkability is an important characteristic; this should not be a heavy, sipping beer.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Greeley, Colorado

I have been doing a lot of road running lately. It does a good job of filling out the days when you have nothing else to do. No job? Just go for a run. Too rainy to pull out the lawnmower? Just go for a run. Helps that I am also training for a half marathon in November and then my first full marathon in April. At the end of a run, what better way to relax than a big beer? With a name like 3.8 Miles, I feel like this particular brew was created for runners...doesn't matter if it's just wishful thinking. On to the review!

Aroma: Has me thinking of warmer days with its tropical aromas (mostly papaya and mango). Behind the tropics, hints of earth and spice resonate in the nostrils and blends in some melon on the back end. Definitely runs the gamut of smells.   9

Appearance: Has a butterscotch haze with 1/2 inch eggshell white head. It quickly recedes but has good legs.   8.3

Flavor: Tropical is the name of the game here. I detect mostly mango and some lemon. The bitterness is nicely balanced and doesn't compete with the complex dank of the flavors. Refreshing.  8.6

Mouthfeel: It's medium bodied with a nice creamy, smoothness. The carbonation is at a nice level as well.  8

Overall: This Hazy Double IPA is a really good brew. I highly recommend it. Drink it after a run, hard days work in the yard or even an evening sitting out on the porch watching the autumn sun go down. It's a refreshing beer that doesn't sit heavy in the stomach.   8.5

Matt's mark: 4.24/5

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