Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mango Flossi Kettle Sour by Barebottle Brewing Company

11 IBU's 5% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.2/5 (2 votes
Untappd - 4.11/5

28B. Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer

American Wild Ales are beers that are introduced to "wild" yeast or bacteria, such as Brettanomyces, Pediococcus, or Lactobacillus. This introduction may occur from oak barrels that have been previously inoculated, pitching into the beer, or gained from various "sour mash" techniques. Regardless of the method, these yeast and/or bacteria leave a mark that should be noticeable to strong, and often contribute a sour and/or funky, wild note. Mixed-fermentation examples will display a range of aromatics, rather than a single dominant character.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from San Francisco, California

There is something about a nice kettle sour on a hot summer day that really just drives you into relaxation mode. When shopping from the beers Tavour had to offer, I couldn't pass up on the mango sour. Mango's are my favorite tropical fruit and the fact Barebottle made it into a sour is amazing. I mean, it's almost as awesome as finding a raspberry sour! Just so you are aware, I never, ever pass up a raspberry sour. All right, sliding back on topic... on to the scores!

Aroma: Imagine opening up a package of dried mango's for the first time. That is what the Mango Flossi smells like... with a hint of vanilla in the back.  8.5

Appearance: A nice hazy, golden straw reminiscent of the actually flesh of the mango. Has a quickly evaporating white head with little to no lacing. Typical of a sour.   8

Flavor: A pop of sour at the front, lightly hopped and no bitterness. Smooths out to a slightly sweet (probably from the lactose) mango bonanza with hints of vanilla noticeable on the back of the tongue. Stellar.  9

Mouthfeel: Crisp, light and dry, perfect for a sunny evening on the porch. Or relaxing in some shade in the backyard if you prefer.  8.75

Overall: Barebottle did a nice job with this refreshing brew... and they even provided the recipe right there on can (not bottle, it's a little confusing) for all you homebrewer's out there. The Mango Flossi has great flavor and is quite refreshing and I would recommend it to all sour lovers. If you are new to sours, this is the perfect gateway sour to start with before going on to other styles.    8.5

Matt's mark: 4.28/5

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