Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hair of the Dog Brewing Company's Adam Hearty Old World Ale

50 IBU 10% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.26/5
Untappd - 3.78/5

17B. English Old Ale

An ale of moderate to fairly significant alcoholic strength, bigger than standard beers, though usually not as strong or rich as barleywine. Often tilted towards a maltier balance. “It should be a warming beer of the type that is best drunk in half pints by a warm fire on a cold winter’s night”

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

I have been wanting to try this brewery for a long time. Of course, every time I am at the Market of Choice, it has been there...but it's in a small 12 oz. bottle and there are always other choices to be had in a 22 oz. Not this time though! Well, to be honest, I always use a three day weekend to splurge a little. That's what I did here as this was my first option but second choice. Or my second option and first choice? I swear I am not drunk. On to the review!

Aroma: The Missus says it is cleaner than a stout, more ale like. Little bit of malt and no hops. I agree to some extent. I smell a little bit of fruit (possibly fig 'cause reasons), vanilla, chocolate and smoke. Smoke! I wasn't expecting that. The bottle says I should smell leather as well. I guess I don't have the nose for leather.  8

Appearance: A dark, luscious cocoa brown with a pillowy, inch thick tan head that lasts for days. Nice clean beer. 8.2

Flavor: The Missus hates it. Says it tastes like too bitter like smoky burnt chocolate. Personally, I enjoyed all the flavors. Fig on the forefront (reasons explained) and then it trails off into a bittersweet commingling of malt, chocolate, vanilla and smoke bliss. Still don't detect the leather but I am okay with that I think. 9

Mouthfeel: I was surprised at how smooth and creamy this is for a full bodied big beer. Nice carbonation level as well.  8.5

Overall: First time drinking Hair of the Dog Brewing was definitely worth the wait. Delicious big beer that has every you want in an Old World Ale. Lots of different nuances to enjoy and some only other will detect (like the leather). I have allergies and live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon...some things just won't come through. 8.43

Matt's mark: 4.21/5

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