Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Budweiser Copper Lager

6.2% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.45/5
Untappd - 3.19/5

1B. American Lager: A very pale, highly-carbonated, light-bodied, well-attenuated lager with a very neutral flavor profile and low bitterness. Served very cold, it can be a very refreshing and thirst quenching drink.

Purchased at Safeway (but really any grocery)

Sooooo, I broke a rule that I set for myself. The rule states "I will not buy any "beer" that is owned by any of the major companies or has sold to them in any capacity." Believe me, it is very hard to uphold this rule especially since my favorite (ex-fave now) brewery in the Lane County area went down this path about 4 years ago. But I broke this rule for family. It was suggested by the Missus's uncle that I try this particular beverage. He swore by it and said that I wouldn't regret it...he even begged me to do it (I can't actually remember how the conversation went but I imagine it was something like this). So here we are, almost an entire year later and I finally succumbed. I hope you're happy Teddy, I hope you are happy. On to the review!

Aroma: Not much going on here. A little malty and a tad of spice. Overall, it's fairly bland.   5

Appearance:  This concoction has little to no head and minimal lacing. I do like the color of it though. It's a beautifully clear copper color.   8

Flavor: Tastes like a Bud Lager with a little bit of whiskey added to it...maybe enough to bring it up to 6.2% ABV? Probably not. I was a hoping for a little more in this category.  5

Mouthfeel: It gave my mouth a weird I hadn't drank anything after I took a sip. I also thought it needed more carbonation.   5

Overall: I must admit, I didn't hate it. Not a ringing endorsement is it? It's a little dangerous 'cause you might be thirsty and need some water and accidentally pick this up and don't realize it's alcoholic. I mean, 6.2% ABV can mess you up if you aren't expecting it. The label touted some really nice flavoids to expect from the Copper but mostly, it just tasted like regular Budweiser to me...which is the main reason I started drinking craft in the first place...the color of it is really nice though...   5.75

Matt's mark: 2.88/5

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