Sunday, December 23, 2018

Fort George Brewery 1000 Years of Silence

Sweet Virginia Seriers
Mexican Chocolate Imperial Stout

22 IBU
10.5% ABV
Beer Advocate  - 4.06/5
Untappd - 4.1/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

As I was pondering what cheeses to buy for our first Christmas (the missus' side), I also was pondering what Mexican Chocolate Imperial Stout would be leaving the store with me. It came down to Epic Brewing and the one I eventually decided on from Fort George Brewery located in the wonderful little town of Astoria, Oregon. They both sounded wonderful but the 1000 Years of Silence was just a tad bit less expensive (also, a really cool name, couldn't pass it up). Considering I was buying relatively spendy cheeses, I thought it prudent to save a few bucks knowing I was still getting a quality beverage (Fort George is above reproach). Now, let's dive into what I found out!

Aroma: When I put my nose down into the glass, the first thing that hit was a nice sweet malt chocolate fragrance. I also detected some vanilla and a bouquet of spiciness. I am guessing some cinnamon and something else... my sniffer can't quite distinguish.   8.5

Appearance: It pours out a very dark, velvety smooth liquid with a thick, caramel chocolate head. I am being honest when I say that the head lasted for a at least ten minutes after the pour.  9

Flavor: Definitely Chocolate, cinnamon and vanilla. What surprised me was the kick of some sort of pepper (found out later it's Pasilla and Ancho) at the beginning. You can actually feel the spiciness tingle in the nose. Wow! 9

Mouthfeel: Nice level of carbonation. Creamy and silky smooth. I could sip this beer for hours and not grow tired of it.  8.5

Overall: I really, really enjoyed this brew. Great job by Fort George Brewery. I especially loved the zesty spice up front from the Pasilla and Ancho peppers. Together they gave the stout an extra kick. As you can see, the rating of this beer is much higher than the already high marks of beer advocate and untappd. It's not much of a surprise given my bias towards dark beers. This one though, ranks with the best. I might have to make this one a Christmas tradition! 8.7

Matt's mark: 4.35/5

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and many blessing to you and yours!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Baerlic Brewing Company Special Collusion Edition

Wood Worker Barrel Aged Series
Dolce De Leche Russian Imperial Stout

65 IBU 10.5% ABV
No rating on Beer Advocate
No rating on Untappd

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

When I was perusing the options, I stumbled upon this magnificent looking bottle... and you know me, I can't pass up the chance to try another bourbon barrel aged brew! I immediately thought, "hey, at $9 a bottle, this barrel aged stout comes in at a lower cost than others I have tried and liked...I wonder if I can detect any differences in quality...". Sure enough, it's what I brought home for a review!

Aroma: The missus think it smells like gingerbread but I get a big whiff of bourbon toastiness layered with a bit of chocolate, coffee and an appealing aroma of vanilla. There is something else on the back end which is reminiscent of toasted coconut but I am not sure. My mouth is watering.   9

Appearance: A deep, dark brownish color that is clean. Not surprising considering it's a stout with coffee added in. A nice milk chocolate head that lasts for awhile leaving a decent amount of lacing behind.   9

Flavor: Wow! It tastes like a heavier version of a coffee cocktail. Strong coffee character with the punch of bourbon and cocoa (holding the heavy cream of course... although, it does have creaminess to it). It's a little on the sweet side (maybe more hop bitterness needed?) but the flavors are quite enjoyable.  8

Mouthfeel: The carbonation comes through at a nice low-medium level. As mentioned above, a decent amount of creaminess. The brew coats the mouth, leaving the sweet aftertaste for a time. An after dinner sipper.  8

Overall: Baerlic Brewing Company did a nice job with this brew. I am actually shocked at the price point compared to others in its class. I found it to be a complex brew with many layers to it... all of which complimented each other quite nicely. The one draw back I did find, the sweetness comes on a little strong. That is just a preference of mine though, others may enjoy it more (I prefer my beers to stay firmly in the beer category, I think a little higher hop profile would suit this just fine). I started drinking the brew before dinner and a third of the way through I decided it would be better after dinner as a desert. It was a smart choice. 

Matt's mark: 4.25/5

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Life's a Peach & Then You Die Peach Milkshake IPA from Riverbend Brewing Company

65 IBU 7% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.02
Untappd - 3.92

21B. Specialty IPA

Recognizable as an IPA by balance – a hop-forward, bitter, dryish beer – with something else present to distinguish it from the standard categories. Should have good drinkability, regardless of the form. Excessive harshness and heaviness are typically faults, as are strong flavor clashes between the hops and the other specialty ingredients.

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

Surprise! It's a midweek beer review! I couldn't decide last week what brew I wanted between the Brut IPA and the NE Style (Hazy) IPA. So I came home with both! So, here we go!

Aroma: Big on the sweet fragrance of peach and mild citrus. The hops give it a nice dankness.  8

Appearance: Chunky and hazy (living up to it's name I guess). It actually looks like pulp floating around in golden hazy liquid. Have to admit, it doesn't look appetizing to me. The head is almost non-existent.   5.5

Flavor: Good hop resiny bitterness up front that quickly goes away. It leads to a fair amount of peachy sweetness (from the lactose I presume) with just a hint of vanilla on the back end. A decently balanced brew. 7

Mouthfeel: Astonishingly smooth and creamy, reminiscent of a smoothie. A little weird in a beer but definitely not unpleasant. I am taking a wild guess that oats were used in the mash to create some of the feeling (along with the lactose).  7

Overall: This was my first NE Style IPA. I thought it was an enjoyable experience. I have to admit though, I don't think I am a huge fan of the distinctive look of a hazy IPA. It just looks messy to me. Maybe I am just a curmudgeon and have no idea what I am talking IS all the rage you know. Well, I do have an idea of a way around this problem (cause it is a problem and I do like the flavor), I could just drink the beer from the can! That way I don't have to see it. Look at me solving my problems! (pats self on back) 7

Matt's mark: 3.45/5

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Ecliptic Brewing Star Party Brut Imperial IPA

35 IBU 8% ABV - 2018 Edition
No score for Beer Advocate
No score for Untappd

21B. Specialty IPA

Recognizable as an IPA by balance – a hop-forward, bitter, dryish beer – with something else present to distinguish it from the standard categories. Should have good drinkability, regardless of the form. Excessive harshness and heaviness are typically faults, as are strong flavor clashes between the hops and the other specialty ingredients.

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

I saw this bottle of beer and thought to myself "A star party sounds fun, I ought to try it!" Of course, I have had many IPA's but this new style had me intrigued. Don't get me wrong, I like a nice IPA. Sometimes though, you start sipping on one and it just tastes like hops and you say to yourself "yep, tastes like an IPA." So here's to trying a new style of IPA, read on to see what I thought about it.

Aroma: A nice bouquet of  fruity hop aromas. I teased out some mango and passion fruit. I think some stone fruit but which one I am not positive on. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say peach...definitely peach.  8

Appearance: Well, it kinda resembles the appearance of a Brut wine...color me shocked! A nice effervescent, straw colored brew with a fine white head that lasted for a few minutes until it quickly dissipated and left a decent amount of lacing left behind.   7.5

Flavor: On the forefront, it's a nice kick of hops of the citrus variety. Bitter, but not too bitter. The brew then smooths out quite a bit and has a sweetness on the back end that kinda surprised me. A well balance IPA for sure. Not too bitter and a subtle sweetness that leaves you wanting more. 8

Mouthfeel: Bubbly and dry and dances on the tongue.. Obviously this is what the style hopes to capture and Ecliptic did a nice job. 8

Overall: It never ceases to amaze me the style of beers that are always being created. A super dry and crisp IPA? Yeah, sure, we will just add this enzyme that does that for you! Ecliptic did a nice job creating an enjoyable drink that not only quenches your thirst, but is light enough to continue drinking well into the night... and it's an imperial. And by sheer luck, I discovered that this particular brew pairs really well with fresh made Italian pasta. Luckily, I was on two different adventures tonight, first time making pasta with a pasta maker (I did fine muddling my way through it) and trying a Brut IPA. I'd say the adventuring left me feeling mighty fine... now, only if I had the forethought to buy another Star Party. This brew is an enthusiastic thumbs up from me. 7.8

Matt's mark: 3.93/5

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Wolf Tree Brewery Spruce Tip Ale

25 IBU 6.3% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.8
Untappd score - 3.56

19C. American Brown Ale

A malty but hoppy beer frequently with chocolate and caramel flavors. The hop flavor and aroma complements and enhances the malt rather than clashing with it.

Beer found at Whole Foods.

The reason for choosing the Spruce Tip Ale was the experimental side in me saying "Spruce tips? I wonder if that makes the brew more or bitter than being brewed with hops?" With a relatively low hop profile, that was a obvious question I had to ask myself. So on to the review to see what I found out!

Aroma: It's like taking a stroll on a trail through the forest. Nice, sweet earthiness and floral notes with a freshness of being among the trees.   8

Appearance: I was expecting a pale ale but was surprised to find out it poured a dark amber color. Tells you how much research I did before purchasing. Turns out it's a brown ale with a light tan frothy head with medium lacing.  7

Flavor: A nice floral and resin flavor on the forefront, which is what I was kind of expecting. What I didn't expect was a bite of woodsy spice that gave way to a sweet malt shining through to create a balance that is refreshing rather than extremely bitter. Interesting. 7.5

Mouthfeel: A crisp, refreshing brew. Definitely not a sipper, something you can throw back a couple before dinner and not miss a beat.  7

Overall: I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I bought this beer. I definitely questioned why anyone would put spruce tips in any concoction meant for enjoyment and not medicine. I was surprised by how fresh it was... and also how the bitterness was balanced out with the sweet malt of the brew. It was quite an interesting taste experience that made my taste buds do a happy dance. Wolf Tree did a nice job coming up with a concoction that has a unique taste experience. Will definitely buy again. 7.25

Matt's mark: 3.68/5

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Ommegang Game of Thrones Reserve Mother of Dragons

6.6% ABV Limited brew for 2018
Beer Advocate score - 3.93/5

34C. Experimental Beer

This is explicitly a catch-all category for any beer that does not fit into an existing style description. Overall impression varies, but should be a unique experience.

Beer found at The Bier Stein.

Back from a week hiatus (ran a half marathon and didn't feel like blogging, just drinking) I decided I wanted something unique... it was Thanksgiving weekend and it needed to be special. This particular brew I have been eyeing for several weeks now...I mean, who wouldn't want a smoked porter and Kriek ale blend (other than the missus). The hesitation being, would it actually live up to the name of Daenerys? Also, the price tag coming in at $15, it couldn't be consumed on any old weekend. This weekend also happened to be Civil War weekend for the Oregon Ducks. One could mistaken the game for semblance of a Stormborn led army running amok through Reser Stadium. The poor Beavers never stood a chance. It made for a brilliant weekend and the brew all the better. On to the review!

Aroma: Reminds me of a BBQ. A cherry laden BBQ.   7

Appearance: Really dark red, cloudy appearance. Nice cream colored head that last for a very long time.  8

Flavor: Tastes of tart cherry up front. Tapers to a slightly sweet, roasty character. Very little smoke but it balances out the flavors.  8.5

Mouthfeel: Really smooth with the right amount of carbonation. A surprisingly easy drinking beer.  8

Overall: I wasn't sure what I was expecting from this beer. I knew I liked smoked porters and I knew  I liked cherries. So, putting them together seemed like a good idea and maybe a taste sensation like no other. Well, I thought it was a solid offering of a specialty brew. I was really hoping for more of a smoky flavor profile (more akin to that of dragon's breath) but the smokiness did lend for a balance that I think was needed. Otherwise, the cherry would have overpowered the porter bill of the brew.  Ommegang did a nice job crafting a unique, drinkable brew. Not sure I would purchase again but I wouldn't say no if someone offered a pint to me. 7.8

Matt's mark: 3.93/5

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Ancestry Brewing Irish Red Ale

21 IBU 5.4% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.65/5
Untappd score 3.66/5

15A. Irish Red Ale

An easy-drinking pint, often with subtle flavors. Slightly malty in the balance sometimes with an initial soft toffee/caramel sweetness, a slightly grainy-biscuity palate, and a touch of roasted dryness in the finish. Some versions can emphasize the caramel and sweetness more, while others will favor the grainy palate and roasted dryness.

Aroma: A sweet malt aroma with a little bit of caramel character. The tiniest bit of an earthy undertone.   7.4

Appearance: A deep, Ruby red color with the slightest amount of haze. Creamy oatmeal head with average dissipation. Low-medium to medium lacing.  7.2

Flavor: Nice malty flavor upfront that gives way mildly sweet caramel. A little bit of roasty/grainy bitterness on the back end.   7.5

Mouthfeel: Smooth and medium bodied with a nice amount of carbonation. Has a dry finish.   7

Overall: Ancestry does a solid job with this style. It is a fairly broad style and can have many different outcomes but this one tries to stay close to a traditional Irish Red while having an American flair (being just a tad more alcoholic). While the slightly sweet caramel character is not exactly traditional, it adds that extra something to make it more enjoyable. 7.3

Matt's mark: 3.64/5

It's not very often that I have a weekend to just putter around and relax. It was the perfect (well, almost perfect...the Ducks lost again) weekend to drink beer, watch football and break in a new purchase (bought City Skylines as an early birthday present to myself). On top of it all, my daughter came home for a visit (bless her heart) which meant the meal I had planned for Sunday was not going to be enough food. So the missus decided to let me off the hook for the night and do the cooking. This meant it was the perfect time to pull out the beer I selected for this weekend... a new brewery to me,  Ancestry Brewing out of Tualatin, Oregon. Ancestry brewing has beautiful branding. The
Finally took a picture of The Bier Stein
purchase was almost made entirely on the execution of the label, so simple and clean...but I was looking for an Irish Red as well which whittled my choices down as not many breweries actually have it on their respective beer lists. They should, but they don't. My marks for this beer, while not being out of this world, were solid and I would definitely try more of Ancestry's brews. It seems like my tastes are right on par with the general audience as well. Both Beer Advocate and Untappd were slightly higher than my marks. So, if you are in the market for a solid Irish Red, give Ancestry Brewing a try.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Viking Braggot Company Winter Squash Porter

8.4% ABV Released Oct. 25th, 2018
Beer Advocate score - 4.12/5

30C. Winter Seasonal Beer

A stronger, darker, spiced beer that often has a rich body and warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cold winter season.

Aroma: A sweet maltiness on the forefront while hints of chocolate and vanilla dance in the background.   8.75

Appearance: An extra dark brown liquid with a nice mocha head. Head retention is long lasting with a decent amount of lacing when it dissipates.  9

Flavor: Strong coffee characteristics upfront with note of chocolate. A hint of caramelized squash on the back end. As the brew warms, the vanilla starts to mingle.  9.25

Mouthfeel: Really smooth and velvety with the right amount of carbonation. A nice sipping beer.  9

Overall: Wow! Just... wow! This is delicious! Viking Braggot Company has done a wonderful job with this seasonal brew. It is rich in flavor and they all seem to mingle with greater intensity the warmer the beer gets. I recommend leaving it out about half an hour before opening and beginning on your quest. I also recommend buying two bottles, you won't regret it.  9

Matt's mark: 4.5/5
Doctor who?
Early in the week, I knew what brew I was going to take home. Viking Braggot is my favorite Eugene, Oregon brewery. All their beers are well done. When I found out the date they were releasing this years version of the Winter Squash Porter, I readied myself for it. But life happens all the same. One cannot simply forget about fun to be had on Samhain (or Halloween). The local winery that my wife and I are members of (Saginaw Vineyards) have a annual party called "Hallowine" (I know, very clever). This year, we both decided to go as "The Doctor". I, of course, was the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) and the missus went as the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith). Later on that night, we both decided she looked more like Oswin from the same show, but Oswin doesn't have a cool sonic. We didn't win the costume contest because, well, hardly anybody at the party actually knew who The Doctor was... maybe a handful. We had fun none the less (wine was involved, duh). When the weekend arrived, the missus and I decided to go for a little nature walk on the outskirts of our small town. We started at a nature park near some ponds and the ventured out on a bike trail that used to be a train track. The tracks lead well out of town up to some defunct mines called the "Bohemia mines". During the summer, we even have a festival named after the mines. A pretty important part of our towns history. After a short hike (10.5 miles - no really, we hiked 10.5 miles in 3 hours) we were ready to call it a day. The missus went home to do whatever the hell she wanted and I went to the Village Green lounge to watch the Oregon Ducks homecoming game against UCLA. Today was all about relaxing. After 10.5 miles walking, your hips are quite sore and stiff and you don't want to do much of anything else. I did do some small stuff around the house but today was mainly about opening up a bottle (I bought two of course) of the Winter Squash Porter. This years version is so new that Untappd didn't even have a score. Beer Advocate did but I have it scored higher by quite a bit. I think this is the best beer I have ever had. That is saying a lot because I have had a lot of great beers... this is even counting my own beer... and I make good beer (at least I think so).
Part of the 10.5 miles of trail hiked this weekend.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Vanilla Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout by Great Divide Brewing

9.5% ABV April 2018
Beer Advocate score - 3.86/5
Untappd score 3.85/5

20C. Imperial Stout

Look who I found hangin' in the backyard!
An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Aroma: Sweet malt on the nose that flows into a chocolate aroma laced with a dose of vanilla.   8

Appearance: Roasty black darkness that of a fine coffee. Has a milk chocolate head that last for days. Quite a bit of lacing.  8

Flavor: Upfront is of bitter chocolate that gives way to sweet malt and an Oak wood flavor w a good dose of vanilla. A bitter roastiness to balance it out at the end.  8

Mouthfeel: Full bodied with medium carbonation. Definitely a sipper.  8

Overall: I have had the regular Yeti by Great Divide. While that is a solid brew, the oak aged version is definitely better. It has a balance to it that makes you want to sip it all day long. Not a good idea, as it is quite high in the ABV, but I wouldn't tell if one decided to do it. No judgement here.  The flavor profile makes this a nice fall/winter warmer.  8

Matt's mark: 4/5

It seems like I am always doing something in the brewing world. This weekend, I needed to get my blackberry wine bottled (24 bottles, some for drinking and some for aging... if the missus allows anyway) and also wanted to get a squash brew in. I love squash brews and didn't want to be left out of the making of one. I am partial to the Blue Hubbard and decided to use this variety for my brew. It is a brown ale base with cardamom pods, nutmeg, star anise, cinnamon and vanilla extract. Heavier on the cardamom pods for a unique take on a squash brew. I am bouncing around with a few names for it but I am leaning towards "My Boy Blue Hubbard Ale" (a nod to the movie Old School). As for the Oak Aged Yeti, my score is higher than both Beer Advocate and Untappd. Not by much, so I don't think I would pull the score higher than what it is. This beer is perfect for sipping while brewing. You wanna take your time with this one because the flavors get more intense the warmer it gets. It is sooo yummy. This weekend as a whole was a nice diversion to the hard to watch Oregon Duck football game... the worst road team in the Pac-12. Now it's time to finish of the Yeti and take my honey out to dinner for a well deserved date night.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Claim 52 Brewing Kolsch

I can't take credit for this picture.
15 IBU 5.2% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.73/5
Untappd score 3.63/5

5B. Kölsch

A clean, crisp, delicately-balanced beer usually with a very subtle fruit and hop character. Subdued maltiness throughout leads into a pleasantly well-attenuated and refreshing finish. Freshness makes a huge difference with this beer, as the delicate character can fade quickly with age. Brilliant clarity is characteristic.

Aroma: Slightly floral and citrus notes. Mild herbal notes. Fresh.   7

Appearance: A Clear, bright golden straw color with little to no haze. White head with little lacing.  8

Flavor: Nice clean mild malt flavor with a touch of lemon/herbal notes. Smooth low bitterness on the back end. Overall well balanced.   7.5

Mouthfeel: Light and fresh with low carbonation. Crisp and dry. Smooth and refreshing on a warm autumn afternoon.   8

Overall: I can see why Claim 52 has made their Kolsch a flagship brew. Totally tasty and refreshing. All the flavors are quite delicate and well balanced. I am actually surprised I have never had it before. Well, not really. They do have an extensive list of IPA offerings. I highly recommend the Kolsch if you want something different from the rest of their menu. 7.65

Matt's mark: 3.82/5

It was a full weekend for me. One of my friends/co-workers had his last day at work and the crew and I headed over to our favorite "safety meeting" location to help send him off with a couple of brews. A sad day for us but necessary for him and his career. Then later on that night, another good friend of mine and I headed over to the Claim 52 Kitchen for good food and beer. Alas, I forgot to take pictures of the new establishment, but, I assure you, it has a nice inviting atmosphere and a pretty nice menu to choose from. They have an extensive list of IPA's and a few sours if you're into that sort of thing. I recommend their Westside IPA, a solid offering of which I filled my growler with for the after party back at the apartment. The next day, I said my goodbyes to one friend and hopped next door to spend time with my ex co-worker/friend. Yes, they are literally neighbors. After spending all day and night playing games on something called "Jackbox", eating a decent amount of hot wings and drinking copious amounts of hard cider, I crashed. Overall, for a sports fan like me, it was a great distraction from the Oregon Duck game. Which, from what I gather, was not a great game to watch if you are a Duck fan. Oh well, better luck next time. On the way home, I picked up some nice, juicy bone in New York steaks and starting feeling all was well with world once more. After all, my wife (whom I hadn't seen for a couple days) was waiting for me on the couch with a good book (hence the picture with books in the background), a beer from Claim 52 was on the docket and lovely steaks was for dinner. A good end to a nice weekend.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sky High Brewing Freewheel IPA

77 IBU 7% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.65/5
Untappd score 3.62/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Aroma: Smell of tangerine and orange blossoms with piny, resinous notes from the hops used. A sticky sweet aroma.  7.5

Appearance: A clear, burnt orange color with a solid head retention and medium lacing. Other than reminding me of the Texas Longhorns, a nice visual.  8

Flavor: Sweet citrus up front that quickly dissipates to a nicely balance bitter floral note. A tiny bit a pine detected. Nicely done.    7.5

Mouthfeel: Light and crisp with decent amount of carbonation. I transported it in a crowler so the carbonation is probably a bit livelier if it were coming from a bottle.   8

Overall: Sky High brewing out of Corvallis, Oregon did a solid job with this brew. It is a typical NW style of the American IPA that does a good job of mixing in both floral aromas and the bitterness of the style. Definitely a nice cap to a warm autumn afternoon. Nice job Sky High! 7.75

Matt's mark: 3.88/5

It was a beautiful weekend. My wife and I (mostly the missus) needed to get out of the house for some well deserved R&R. So, of course, we didn't even leave town. The nearest hot tub was all that was needed and so we booked a room at the Village Green Resort here
in our hometown. A beautiful place with beautiful gardens, a restaurant on site and, of course, the hot tub (also a pool but who's kidding whom, it was all about the hot tub). While the missus was relaxing in the hot tub, I was in the bar/lounge watching an excellent game between Oregon and Washington (while drinking a few local brewski's), two excellent programs that absolutely hate each other. It's no joke, us Oregon fans hate the Huskies even more than our little brother, the Oregon State Beavers. We even refer to the week leading up to the big game as "hate week". It's a thing, totally a thing. AND WE WON! IN OVERTIME! Oh the exhilaration! Afterwards, I joined my lovely wife in the hot tub. It was a glorious day. The next day, we packed up and headed up to Corvallis to have lunch with our gorgeous daughter that is now out of the house and in college (it still seems weird saying that). Of course, no one knew where to go, so I suggested the local brewpub Sky High. They definitely are Sky High. The building itself is four stories high and the restaurant is located on the fourth floor, a unique setting. The food is great and the beer even better. I highly recommend if you are in the area. Of Course I had flight to taste the menagerie of beers that are available...all of which were solid. They didn't sell bottles of beer so I came
home with a crowler of the Freewheel IPA, the most popular beer they have according to our server. After eating and saying our goodbyes, we headed home. My wife turned on Doctor Who re-runs and I bottled my braggot...and, of course, had my crowler of beer. Both Beer Advocate and Untappd had a score pretty much the same. I was a little higher...probably because I had such a good weekend. Or my taste buds are way better than everyone else's...that's probably not it. I am not that arrogant.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Epic Brewing Imperial Pumpkin Porter

8.4% ABV Release #38
Beer Advocate score - 3.82/5
Untappd score 3.93/5

30B. Autumn Seasonal Beer

An amber to copper, spiced beer that often has a moderately rich body and slightly warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cool fall season, and often evocative of Thanksgiving traditions. (Disclaimer: This also could be classified as 30C. Winter Seasonal Beer as they are darker and more full bodied, like the beer being reviewed. But the pumpkin is autumn, therefore, I will grade on how I like it and less about how it compares to the class.)

For this beer, I went back to one of my old haunts (I worked in the meat department)... The M.O.C., otherwise known as the Market of Choice. As the name touts, they do have a large selection of many different kinds of produce and goods...and also beer...many different varieties and brands of beer. There is so much variety, it's like walking into another bottle shop. The clientele is a little pretentious, so I don't go often. But when I do, I am usually not disappointed. Now on to the review!

Aroma: On the nose you can detect the roasted malts. It definitely has a strong chocolate smell with traces of nutmeg, clove and sweet vanilla.  8.7

Appearance: Dark with a head the color of cream when it hits a nice cup of coffee. The head is persistent and dissipates with medium lacing.  8.5

Flavor: Roasted maltiness that gives way to bittersweet chocolate. Of course I detect all the essential spices of a pumpkin beer; nutmeg, vanilla and the slight trace of clove.    8.4

Mouthfeel: Creamy texture with light carbonation and a full body. A smooth finish. A nice sipping drink that warms a little.  8.5

Overall: I like a good pumpkin beer and this is a good pumpkin beer. It had all the flavors you look for and it has a high ABV. The pumpkin was not detectable in this brew but it did lend to the creaminess of the beer. The varying spices that usually comes with a pumpkin brew were there and weren't overpowering, lending to nice roundness to the over arching theme. Solid and will buy again. 8.5

Matt's mark: 4.26/5

The calendar turned to October, so obviously I was going to buy a pumpkin beer. I always turn to this feeling when the temperature phases from the heat of summer to the briskness of autumn. Pumpkin beers, in my humble opinion, get you ready for the cold season to come by providing a little warmth via spices and high alcohol content. My scores were quite a bit higher than Beer advocated and Untappd. I am not sure why, maybe I just like pumpkin beers a tad bit more than the usual beer drinker. I am biased at this time of year. Also, I am in a particularly good mood since I finished my porch bench (featured in the picture) and my training for my next race (a half marathon) is going fairly well. Now, I must attempt cooking...which is going to be difficult as I am highly intoxicated. See ya next week!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

E Nine Brewery Selcouth Barrel Aged Farmhouse Ale

7.0% ABV - Batch No. 1
Beer Advocate score - 4/5 (1 review)
Untappd score 3.88/5

25B. Saison

Most commonly, a pale, refreshing, highly-attenuated, moderately-bitter, moderate-strength Belgian ale with a very dry finish. Typically highly carbonated, and using non-barley cereal grains and optional spices for complexity, as complements the expressive yeast character that is fruity, spicy, and not overly phenolic. Less common variations include both lower-alcohol and higher-alcohol products, as well as darker versions with additional malt character.

In my never ending quest to find new places that sell loads of different kinds of beer, my pursuit brought me to a whole in the wall place called 16 Tons. It's a place you can find a plethora of ever revolving beers to enjoy on premise or take home for the comfort of your own couch or favorite chair. Per square inch, this place has more brands of beer than any other place I have been to. They use there space wisely my friends. This week, I came across E Nine Brewery. They tout to be the first craft brewery in Tacoma, Washington located in an old engine house built in 1907. Sounds pretty cool, I might force my wife to go someday. The brew is called Selcouth, which is a barrel aged farmhouse ale. On to the review!

Aroma: To me, it smells of soft fruit, like an apple or maybe a pear. I also detect a little bit of spice... coriander possibly? I don't detect a big hop aroma, just enough to let you know they used it.    7

Appearance: The color is hazy golden color, which is expected from a Saison (farmhouse ale in American lingo). It also has a nice foamy white head that lasts for quite a long time. When it dissipates, the lacing is what you would expect from a Saison.  8

Flavor: At first sip, I was surprised. It was a sour fruity flavor of apple. I was not expecting the sourness of the brew. It did have a spiciness on the back end that gave way to a slight resinous hop bitterness.  7

Mouthfeel: The brew comes through as a light feel to it. It definitely leaves a crisp and dry feeling. Bubbly, very bubbly.  7

Overall: To be honest, when I picked out this brew, I was not expecting it to have a sour taste to it. It's not a bad thing as I like a good sour... but not from a farmhouse ale. If it were just a tad bit more sweet this brew would be more to my liking from a saison. Not a bad brew but not what I was expecting from it.  7.25

Matt's mark: 3.63/5

Today, I finished my project that I tasked to myself to do. I made my bench! Well, it's not totally complete... it still needs legs. But that is easily remedied by a trip to the Home Depot where I can buy galvanized piping... so I am not worried. After completing a project, I like to finish off the day with a nice brew. Although the brew was not what I was expecting, it was still good and might have scored a little higher (around the Untappd score probably). When I say might, I definitely mean it would have as I like a good sour. If I were expecting a sour, this would have been a good sour. But as everything in this world, the mood that you are in has a overriding factor that creates a bias. Count this as bias created. If you are in the mood for a sour, I recommend the Selcouth. If you want a true farmhouse ale, try something else, like the Colette from Great Divide, one of my all time favorite breweries.

Update! Unfortunately, I was not able to capture a yeast strain from the pear tree in the backyard. I did, however, have a neat science experiment going and did capture a fungus or bacteria! Not worth the money I spent on it though. I will try again, oh yes, I will try again.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Coldfire Bourbon Council Imperial Stout

10.5% ABV Bottled Spring 2018
Beer Advocate score - 4.33/5
Untappd score 4.2/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

As you recall from last week, I bought two bottles of beer at the Bier Stein. This is that bottle, this is that review. An Imperial Stout aged in a mixture of Bourbon barrels for up to 2 years... uh, yes please!

Aroma: Definitely cocoa, coffee and bourbon on the nose. Layered behind the dark, roast malt at the forefront. I started to drool a little.  9.25

Appearance: Nice darkness to this brew. Like a cup of full bodied coffee. Medium creamy tan head with medium lacing.  9

Flavor: Tastes just as good as it smells. Slightly sweet dark roasted malt on the first sip with layers of cocoa, coffee, vanilla and some oaky bourboness at the back end.    9.3

Mouthfeel: Creamy texture with light carbonation and a full body. A smooth finish. A nice sipping drink that warms a little.  9

Overall: Uh, I need to buy more of this stuff. It was just perfect. Well, not perfect as anything can be improved upon. But I don't know how you would do it on this one. Good job, Coldfire. Good job.  9.15

Matt's mark: 4.57/5

This was the perfect beer to go along with the busy, crazy and weird weekend. Busy in that I bottled a blueberry wine, a blackberry port and brewed another batch of my wife's favorite beer (while still working on the porch bench). The crazy was from the wild finish of the Oregon football game... I am still hurting inside from that one. As my older brother said, "they weren't fumbles, they were tragedies and mortal sins." Couldn't agree more. Catching defeat from the clutches of victory. And finally, weird. Our daughter moved out for college this weekend. What the hell!? Am I really that old? To cope, my wife and I watched two movies... the 2nd and 3rd installment of the Twilight series... yes, you read that right, no judging. The movies are actually tolerable when you have consumed a large, high ABV beer. Like I said, no judging.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Block 15 Brewing Company Golden Ticket

10.75% ABV Bottled January 2018
Beer Advocate score - 3.96/5 (1 review)
Untappd score 4.12/5

22C. American Barleywine

A well-hopped American interpretation of the richest and strongest of the English ales. The hop character should be evident throughout, but does not have to be unbalanced. The alcohol strength and hop bitterness often combine to leave a very long finish.

This week, I was feeling extra rich. I garnered some extra money by putting my asthma to work which allowed me to splurge a little on this weeks (and next weeks) brew. As you recall from last week, The Bier Stein is the best place to go when one wants to splurge, so that is where I headed. Man o man was it tough to decide on just one bottle to buy... so I bought two! This weeks review is a Golden American Barleywine matured in Cognac Barrels. Definitely drool worthy, am I right? On to the review!

Aroma: Little to no hop aroma. First whiff is honey with a little fruit, possibly fig and raisin. I detect a little bit of a sweet booziness (obviously).  8.50

Appearance: A lovely clear copper. The creamy white head quickly dissipates, leaving a little lacing.  8.50

Flavor: A little bit of orange at the forefront, possibly from the hops that were used. The Orange gives way to a nice sweet honey and a hint of vanilla. A little bit of burnt sugar/caramel at the back end that trails of with some booziness (obviously).  9

Mouthfeel: Light carbonation with a medium-heavy body. A smooth finish. Surprisingly drinkable for the high ABV.  8.25

Overall: I've had a few brews from Block 15 but none of them have compared to this one. With such a high ABV, I would not expect it to be so balanced. All the flavors go so well together and it goes down really easy. If I had more than one bottle of this, I could easily drink another one. Dangerous stuff.  8.5

Matt's mark: 4.28/5

Today I started a new project. The job tasked to me is making an imperfect bench for the imperfect front porch, which I built a few years ago, in the front of the house. I love to build things even though the projects never go as planned. If there is one thing wood working has taught me it's that I am definitely not a carpenter. But the feeling of accomplishment is not matched by anything else... except maybe pushing my body to its limits and finishing with a high ABV beer. Which is what I did today! What a coincidence! Not the pushing my body to its limits part of course. Apparently, the Beer Advocate crowd has not caught wind of this spectacular brew as there has only been on review... and it was a little low. Really? Not even a 4/5? Psshh. The Untappd crowd though, they know what they are talking about. Myself, let's face it, I had to try extra hard to find faults with this brew so I wouldn't give it a 5... no beer is perfect... except the brews I make... I kid, I kid. Okay, I better stop now 'cause it's getting hard to type as I can't feel my fingers anymore... or my brain. Wait, are you suppose to feel your brain? Whew!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Stickmen Brewing Company Red Kit NW Red Ale

76 IBU 7.0% ABV
Beer Advocate score - n/a
Untappd score 3.67/5

22B. American Strong Ale

A strong, full-flavored American ale that challenges and rewards the palate with full malty and hoppy flavors and substantial bitterness. The flavors are bold but complementary, and are stronger and richer than average strength pale and amber American ales.

Image result for the bierstein eugeneFor this weeks brew, I hopped over to The Beir Stein Bottle Shop & Pub, an Institution in Eugene, Oregon since opening in July of 2005.  This is the place where I go to stand in awe of all the beers that are available to drool over and every body present understands all the feelings rushing through your body and leaves you alone. If I am feeling extra rich, I will splurge and buy a nice, expensive bottle to bring home. This time, I reached for a middle of the road $7 bottle from a brewery I had never heard of... Stickmen Brewing Company's Red Kit. I just love NW Red Ales. Don't you? On to the scores!

Aroma: Hop forward with a nice grapefruit presence. Slightly sweet on the back end.  7.9

Appearance: Nice dark red, hazy brew with a thick foamy, creamy, persistent head tinted with a little red from the brew itself.  7.8

Flavor: Citrusy hoppiness at the forefront that give way to a slightly sweet biscuit maltiness. The hops drive through to lend a bit of a bitter aftertaste.  8.1

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and lingers slightly. Not under-carbonated but could have a little more.  7.5

Overall: From a brewery I had never heard of before, this was a solid offering. If this is an indication of what I can expect from their brews, I'm all for it. Red Kit is a nicely balanced, hop forward beer that will keep you coming back for more. The slightly sweet biscuit reminds me of an autumn evening right before the chill sets in. Definitely a must for this time of the year.  7.8

Matt's mark: 3.91/5

This weekend was all about inspiration in the kitchen (as well as Duck football per usual). My lovely wife has been canning and roasting tomatoes all week (I am pretty sure this is why she is sick this weekend). We had so many tomatoes, I decided to spend some time making a yummy dinner... and also do some pickling (not tomatoes 'cause that would be gross, cucumbers from the in-laws garden) which is a first for me. On top of that, I decided to try and capture my own yeast from the pear tree in the backyard (the jury is still out on that one; update next week). I stewed tomatoes with herbs from the garden to make a wonderful sauce for Spanish rice, boiled and then roasted mini golden potatoes and then cooked chicken thighs with herbs and grapefruit... I must admit, I outdid my usual performance in the kitchen. Even my teenage, first year of college, daughter liked it. In between all this, I managed to drink the Red Kit. It's quite unusual to come across a beer that is not scored on beer advocate but I am pretty sure the drinkers from Untappd have no clue what they are talking about. Really? A 3.67? That is waaaaay to low. If you are in the Tualatin, Oregon area (basically Portland), I highly recommend you stop by and grab a brew. If you can't make it, request your local bottle shop to carry it. Delicious!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Traquair House Ale Scotch Ale "Wee Heavy"

-- IBU 7.2% ABV
Beer Advocate  - 4.16/5
Untappd - 3.7/5

BJCP Category - 17C. Wee Heavy

Rich, malty, dextrinous, and usually caramel-sweet, these beers can give an impression that is suggestive of a dessert. Complex secondary malt and alcohol flavors prevent a one-dimensional quality. Strength and maltiness can vary, but should not be cloying or syrupy.

This weekend was all about friends, family and the opening weekend of football. It was a weekend of good talks, hanging with the nieces and nephew in from New York and, of course, watching football with my NY brother. On game-day (Saturday of course), I had the opportunity to take my older brother out to a Oregon Duck game. He hadn't been to a game since 2007, after watching Dennis Dixon going down with a torn ACL (I still say we would have won the title that year). But before the game, you have to eat, right? I decided to take him to a local brewery that I had not been to, Elk Horn Brewery. Boy was it a good decision. The Reuben was great and the Boggy Boon Hazelnut Stout was even better. My brother had the Windigo Chocolate Coconut Stout and it went down easy as well. I was tempted to do a review on an Elk Horn beer but, alas, they don't bottle their beer. Afterwards was a walk through the UofO campus and tailgating at Autzen Stadium. An acquaintance (Shelby and Kyle) from a premium college football recruiting website for the Oregon Ducks called Scoopduck ( I highly recommend), has an open invite to all fellow Scoopduckers. After many vodka jell-o shots, watching the Fuskies lose to Auburn and making new friends, it was time to find our seats and watch the game (which the Ducks won 58-24).

The next day, a buddy from work and his wife were coming down to hang and eat good food. My buddy and I left our significant others to do some artsy stuff (which, come to find out, didn't happen) and headed down to my favorite watering hole, The Coast Fork Brewstation. The Brewstation has a great variety of brews on tap, which always makes for a tough choice. So, we both decided to get a flight to go along with our food. I had a delicious Tuna Salad sandwich which went great with the all the tasty beers. My favorite ended up being the Crux Peach Farmhouse Saison...which I also had a pint of afterwards to wash down the huge sandwich (not pictured).  Before we made the short walk back to my home, I decided to check out the refrigerated case. Lo and behold, I found a delicious looking beer to do my brew review on. Then we were off for many hours of fun conversing and even more food cooked on the grill. I tell you what, I felt like I rolled to bed that night. Too much good eats to say no to. It's a problem that I always have. It's a damn good thing that I run, otherwise I wouldn't just have a beer gut, I would have a spare tire as well. I got to say, this was a nice and full weekend. On to the beer review!

Aroma: Roasted malts, caramel, toffee and a little raisin. A little bit of pleasant smoky peat.  8.25

Appearance: A rich, toffee color with clear appearance. Thin rim of lacing when the white head quickly recedes.  8.75

Flavor: A nice malty sweetness that could last for days. Tastes like burnt sugar/toffee on the forefront with hints of smoky peat and a little woodsy vanilla from the oak on the back end.  9.25  

Mouthfeel: Medium mouth feel, with low to medium carbonation.  8.25

Overall: The overall complexity of this beer is awesome. A nice example of the style. It's heaviness gets you in the mood for autumn, which is great since it is right around the corner.  I have always liked Scotch style Ales and in Scottish fashion, the smoky peat is a nice touch to the style. For the price ($6.99) it's not a bad option for some sipping in the colder days to come.  9

Matt's mark: 4.35/5 

I decided on this beer mainly because the label looked so enticing. At first, I had no idea what kind of beer it was, but the description alone was very intriguing. A handmade Ale Brewed in the ancient Brew House of the Oldest inhabited House of Scotland. What's not to like about that? It goes on to say that it is brewed in a 1738 copper kettle and fermented in oak vessels... I don't know how you could turn that down. So I didn't. And it was a great treat after a day of picking yet more blackberries to be turned into a yummy blackberry port. You have to take the Untappd score with a grain of salt. I mean, only six beer drinkers had rated it (possibly because it's not that easy to find) but Beer Advocate gave it a solid score. Of course, this type of beer is a gateway beer to the darker stuff and therefore I scored it accordingly.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

pFriem Belgian-Style Blonde Ale

30 IBU 7.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score 3.89/5
Untappd score 4.03/5

BJCP Category - 125A. Belgian Blonde Ale

A moderate-strength golden ale that has a subtle fruity-spicy Belgian yeast complexity, slightly malty-sweet flavor, and dry finish.
Well, Whole Foods had such a good selection of beers, I decided to go back to pick out another beer from there. Actually, I already had my eye on this one from the last time. I have always wanted to try a pFriem beer, I just didn't know where to start, they all look sooooo good. It must be the packaging, I am a sucker for nice packaging. The entire line-up of brews they offer look like small bottles of champagne, making it seem like the contents of each one is really special. I needed to find out if they tasted as good as they look. Read on to find out what I though.

Aroma: Light spice with soft fruit aroma...possibly pear?  8.25

Appearance: Golden and clear. Nice head. Foams quite a bit; pour slowly.  8.5

Flavor: Sweet spiciness on the forefront. Gives away to a slight citrus bitterness. Quite pleasant.  8.5

Mouthfeel: High carbonation. Leaves the mouth dry and clean. A lot like champagne.  8

Overall: I am impressed with pFriem with the brew. The aroma was pleasant and appealing. Appearance wise, it was what a blonde ale is supposed to be. The carbonation is really high and foams a lot. A nice slow pour is required...unless you like really foamy beer. In that case, get a really large glass and go for it. The mouthfeel is a lot like champagne. The carbonation dances on your tongue and the clean dryness leaves you wanting more.  8.3

Matt's mark: 4.16/5

What a busy day I had. Today, I decided that I wanted to trim the hedge along the fence, pick blackberries and clean out the blackberry canes...all that the same time! Well, 6 hours later and 11 pounds of blackberries picked, I finished the job. But my day wasn't done. Nope. Last week, after picking 14 pounds of blackberries out at my in-laws house and adding them to the 9.5 pounds I had in the freezer, I started a blackberry wine. Why do I tell you this? Well, I needed to transition it to a secondary fermenter. This, of course, took another hour or so to sanitize everything and then another hour for the transitioning and cleanup. It's a damn good thing my lovely wife reminded me I needed to eat at some point in the day (which I fit in before the blackberry wine chore), otherwise I wouldn't have made it to my beer at the end. Boy am I glad I did. It was a tasty brew and amazingly, the packaging did make it feel all the more special. I am definitely going to try all the pFriem beers they offer and I will make sure I tell how they taste.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

StormBreaker Brewing House Martell NE Style Pale Ale

50 IBU 6.0% ABV
Beer Advocate score 4.2/5
Untappd score 4/5

BJCP Category - 18B. American Pale Ale

A pale, refreshing and hoppy ale, yet with sufficient supporting malt to make the beer balanced and drinkable. The clean hop presence can reflect classic or modern American or New World hop varieties with a wide range of characteristics. An average-strength hop-forward pale American craft beer, generally balanced to be more accessible than modern American IPAs.
On my way home for the weekend, I decided to stop by Whole Foods Market, an Amazon grocery store (that sounds weird... and gross), and I picked up this bottle. There were a lot to choose from but when something is named after a House in the GAME OF THRONES, you have to go that route. I also have never had a New England Style beer before, so I thought I would give it a try. Also, it has my favorite hop variety listed as an ingredient, Citra hops! I love using this variety in my homebrews when it is available. So on to the tasting notes!

Aroma: Rich, intense tropical fruit. Hits you as soon as you pop the top. Mostly papaya. I could say something like a little grapefruit, like everybody does, but I would be lying.  8.7

Appearance: Golden and hazy, just what is says the style is supposed to be.  8.5

Flavor: Dense tropical fruit, again mostly papaya. Detect a spicy, resinous note on the backend; heavy dankness, more hops than I expected. The aftertaste lends itself to more citrus.    7

Mouthfeel: Somewhere in the medium bodied spectrum. Definitely a juicy brew. Not quite Refreshing, but getting close.   7

Overall: Never had a NE Style Brew before this so I didn't know what to expect. Heavy intensity of tropical fruits on the nose and the taste. The dankness made it hard for me to consider this a refreshing brew. It kind of got bogged down with citrus. Not a bad beer, just not my favorite. Looking for something a little more refreshing in the summer.   7

Matt's mark: 3.82/5

When bottling a homebrew, one must either drink a previous homebrew or try a new craft brew. I decided to go with a new craft brew. It was a nice brew to keep me occupied when bottling my braggot (ale brewed with copious amounts of honey) but it wasn't my favorite.  I believe this is the first beer I have scored that is below Beer Advocate and Untappd, making me in the minority I guess. This is supposedly a summer brew but I would consider it more of a sipping brew for the long autumn days. A little heavier than I like for summer. Also, after my first sip, I thought it was more of an IPA rather than an APA. That was my interpretation anyway. Yours might not be the same. All in all, I think this brew is worth the try if you come across it. I mean, the score is still fairly solid, so I definitely didn't hate it.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Caldera Brewing Toasted Coconut Chocolate Porter

24 IBU 6.2% ABV
Beer Advocate score 4.02/5
Untappd score 3.96/5

BJCP Category - 20A. American Porter (or possibly a specialty category)

A substantial, malty dark beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character.
I had to travel all the way to Ashland, Oregon for this luscious bottle of beer. A mere 2.5 hour drive for me and the missus on our anniversary trip. Of course, Caldera Brewing was at the top (and only item) on my to do list for the long weekend. Other than, you know, hanging with my better half and having fun. Well, as much fun as you can have in a fumigated downtown Ashland. Forest and brush fires suck. The animals also think so. I couldn't keep track of how many deer we saw on our adventures. If you are ever traveling near the Oregon/California border, Caldera Brewing is right off of I-5. Real easy place to get to. They have phenomenal beer and good eats as well.

Okay, on to the scores:

Aroma: Mouth watering toasted coconut at the forefront with an underlying aroma of dark chocolate... smells like heaven in a bottle.   9.1

Appearance: Coloring of a dark roast coffee with a creamy, marshmallowy head.  8.8

Flavor: A smooth coconut infused chocolate. The flavors are blended together beautifully. Neither flavor is overpowering. Sweet all the way through but definitely not cloying.    9

Mouthfeel: Creamy and full bodied with a good level of carbonation. A nice sippin drink.   9

Overall: Caldera has done a nice job of melding the style of an American Porter with specialty ingredients, lending itself to be very drinkable. Most likely meant to be an after meal dessert. Yummy.   9

Matt's mark: 4.49/5

So, here is a disclaimer for these scores. I like dark beers. A lot. I also like dark chocolate. A lot. This means if you put the two together, I am in beer heaven. I would have been fine if Caldera had stopped there. But then the toasted coconut?!? Did I tell you that I like coconut? A lot. Hence the high marks. Which, I must add, is considerably higher than the already high marks given by Beer Advocate and Untappd. I know coconut is not for everyone. If you are in that category, what is wrong with you? Just kidding...mostly. Okay back to the coconut. If you don't like it, I don't recommend this matter how much you like chocolate. But for me, this brew was a wonderful way to end a wonderful time spent with my wife. I wish every weekend could be like this one...without the smoke.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Bridgeport Brewing Mosaic Hopped Cream Ale

18 IBU 4.8% ABV
Beer Advocate score 3.61/5
Untappd score 3.52/5

BJCP Category - 1C. Cream Ale

A clean, well-attenuated, flavorful American “lawnmower” beer. Easily drinkable and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers.
I picked up this beautiful bottle of beer at my local Fred Meyer (under the Kroger Company umbrella). You wouldn't think it but the selection was actually pretty good. I guess it has to be in the PNW where you can buy a craft beer on every street corner
. I have had a few brewski's from Bridgeport, and they are always solid, so I decided to give this a try. I am going to be a little honest, I decided on this particular beer because of the color for the label. The light bluish-green label was just calling out, saying "pick me, pick me". Here are my tasting notes with my own personal scores:

Aroma: Slightly fruity, smells a little like crisp apple. Maybe a little citrus as well. Low level of a hop profile. Nicely done.   8.2

Appearance: A nice blonde straw color with a white foamy head. Slightly hazy.  7

Flavor: Clean, crisp flavor.  Sweet at the forefront and smooth sailing to a crisp, low-fruity flavor profile. I didn't detect any bitterness, which would have helped to tone the sweetness a tad. A nice, dry finish.   8.2

Mouthfeel: Crisp, clean with medium carbonation. Thirst quenching.   7

Overall: Bridgeport did a decent job on this one. Loved the light apple smell. The color was nice but a little hazy. The feel and flavor exhibited what a cream ale is supposed to; slightly sweet with a low fruity profile while being crisp and thirst quenching. The carbonation could have been higher to stay a little truer to the style.   7.8

Matt's mark: 3.82/5

While I found this beer to be quite refreshing after a 9 mile run (I did this willingly with nobody chasing me), the exertion may have skewed the numbers a little. I mean, after a 9 miler, Coors Light would be refreshing. Wait, no it wouldn't... it would still taste like a flavorless glass of nothing. That doesn't mean I am going to score the brew again. I will trust my tasters and go with it. Both Beer Advocate and Untapped were quite a bit lower than my score... maybe people scoring the beers were drinking on a full stomach instead of being desiccated at the end of a long run? No one will know for sure. I will definitely drink this one again. The low alcohol level lends it to being a decent choice for long summer party... or not being light headed after a 9 mile run.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Oakshire Drop Bear IPA

76 IBU 7.3% ABV
Beer Advocate score 3.95/5
Untappd score 3.81/5

BJCP Category - 21A. American IPA

American IPA's are hoppy. In the PNW hoppy is a way of life. So, of course, we are kicking things off with an IPA. According the the BJCP, an IPA is a hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale. It is a balance of being hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt. In the words of my wife (whom despises IPA's), it smells like hops, tastes like hops and gut-wrenchingly bitter...with more bitter on the aftertaste. I keep telling her it's an acquired taste, she just doesn't want to acquire it.
 Friday afternoons, after a hard days work, is always a great time to go to your local supermarket, bottleshop or specialty market to find a great or interesting beer to enjoy on your weekend. This last Friday, I was in search of a needed updating to my wardrobe and was shopping at Old Navy. As it would happen, Trader Joe's was just a short walk across the parking lot of the mall. A great place to find beer for the weekend. I decided to duck in and grab this beauty. Here are my tasting notes with my own personal scores:

Aroma: Full nose full of citrusy hop character, smells of grapefruit or possibly another citrus forward fruit I don't care to name.  8.25

Appearance: Golden to amber color with a creamy white persistent head, a little haziness detracts from appearance.  6.75

Flavor: Hop bitterness with citrusy notes at the forefront and smooths out nicely to a sweet malty finish. Aftertaste is bitter but not harsh, well balanced.  8.25

Mouthfeel: Crisp, clean with low carbonation. Not too heavy and not too light. Leaves you wanted more.  8.5

Overall: What you would expect from a well made IPA. Intense citrus notes in a hop forward aroma. Good coloring and head but not totally clear. Not sure if intentional but does not interfere with the flavor at all which is really enjoyable. Has a nice warming feeling, which I am sure has to do with the ABV, but no alcohol taste. Very drinkable.  8

Matt's mark: 3.975/5

In Conclusion, I found this beer to be quite enjoyable, probably one of the better local IPA 's I have had. My personal marks are a little higher than Beer Advocate and Untappd but close enough to think I am on par with the average beer drinker. I did drink it on a Sunday afternoon with an empty stomach. This is not recommended, unless you don't want to be productive for the rest of the day. Now to finish my day with a little wine tasting at a local vineyard. Productive? I can be productive tomorrow.