Sunday, August 12, 2018

Caldera Brewing Toasted Coconut Chocolate Porter

24 IBU 6.2% ABV
Beer Advocate score 4.02/5
Untappd score 3.96/5

BJCP Category - 20A. American Porter (or possibly a specialty category)

A substantial, malty dark beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character.
I had to travel all the way to Ashland, Oregon for this luscious bottle of beer. A mere 2.5 hour drive for me and the missus on our anniversary trip. Of course, Caldera Brewing was at the top (and only item) on my to do list for the long weekend. Other than, you know, hanging with my better half and having fun. Well, as much fun as you can have in a fumigated downtown Ashland. Forest and brush fires suck. The animals also think so. I couldn't keep track of how many deer we saw on our adventures. If you are ever traveling near the Oregon/California border, Caldera Brewing is right off of I-5. Real easy place to get to. They have phenomenal beer and good eats as well.

Okay, on to the scores:

Aroma: Mouth watering toasted coconut at the forefront with an underlying aroma of dark chocolate... smells like heaven in a bottle.   9.1

Appearance: Coloring of a dark roast coffee with a creamy, marshmallowy head.  8.8

Flavor: A smooth coconut infused chocolate. The flavors are blended together beautifully. Neither flavor is overpowering. Sweet all the way through but definitely not cloying.    9

Mouthfeel: Creamy and full bodied with a good level of carbonation. A nice sippin drink.   9

Overall: Caldera has done a nice job of melding the style of an American Porter with specialty ingredients, lending itself to be very drinkable. Most likely meant to be an after meal dessert. Yummy.   9

Matt's mark: 4.49/5

So, here is a disclaimer for these scores. I like dark beers. A lot. I also like dark chocolate. A lot. This means if you put the two together, I am in beer heaven. I would have been fine if Caldera had stopped there. But then the toasted coconut?!? Did I tell you that I like coconut? A lot. Hence the high marks. Which, I must add, is considerably higher than the already high marks given by Beer Advocate and Untappd. I know coconut is not for everyone. If you are in that category, what is wrong with you? Just kidding...mostly. Okay back to the coconut. If you don't like it, I don't recommend this matter how much you like chocolate. But for me, this brew was a wonderful way to end a wonderful time spent with my wife. I wish every weekend could be like this one...without the smoke.

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