Sunday, August 5, 2018

Bridgeport Brewing Mosaic Hopped Cream Ale

18 IBU 4.8% ABV
Beer Advocate score 3.61/5
Untappd score 3.52/5

BJCP Category - 1C. Cream Ale

A clean, well-attenuated, flavorful American “lawnmower” beer. Easily drinkable and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers.
I picked up this beautiful bottle of beer at my local Fred Meyer (under the Kroger Company umbrella). You wouldn't think it but the selection was actually pretty good. I guess it has to be in the PNW where you can buy a craft beer on every street corner
. I have had a few brewski's from Bridgeport, and they are always solid, so I decided to give this a try. I am going to be a little honest, I decided on this particular beer because of the color for the label. The light bluish-green label was just calling out, saying "pick me, pick me". Here are my tasting notes with my own personal scores:

Aroma: Slightly fruity, smells a little like crisp apple. Maybe a little citrus as well. Low level of a hop profile. Nicely done.   8.2

Appearance: A nice blonde straw color with a white foamy head. Slightly hazy.  7

Flavor: Clean, crisp flavor.  Sweet at the forefront and smooth sailing to a crisp, low-fruity flavor profile. I didn't detect any bitterness, which would have helped to tone the sweetness a tad. A nice, dry finish.   8.2

Mouthfeel: Crisp, clean with medium carbonation. Thirst quenching.   7

Overall: Bridgeport did a decent job on this one. Loved the light apple smell. The color was nice but a little hazy. The feel and flavor exhibited what a cream ale is supposed to; slightly sweet with a low fruity profile while being crisp and thirst quenching. The carbonation could have been higher to stay a little truer to the style.   7.8

Matt's mark: 3.82/5

While I found this beer to be quite refreshing after a 9 mile run (I did this willingly with nobody chasing me), the exertion may have skewed the numbers a little. I mean, after a 9 miler, Coors Light would be refreshing. Wait, no it wouldn't... it would still taste like a flavorless glass of nothing. That doesn't mean I am going to score the brew again. I will trust my tasters and go with it. Both Beer Advocate and Untapped were quite a bit lower than my score... maybe people scoring the beers were drinking on a full stomach instead of being desiccated at the end of a long run? No one will know for sure. I will definitely drink this one again. The low alcohol level lends it to being a decent choice for long summer party... or not being light headed after a 9 mile run.


  1. What is a "lawnmower" beer? Inquiring minds...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The kind of beer you drink while mowing the lawn...duh.

  2. According to the Urban Dictionary, a "lawnmower" beer is any beer low in alcohol content that is also highly quaffable. A style of beer you would want to drink after working hard in the yard on a hot summer day. Usually a crisp pale lager or ale with moderate to high carbonation. Must be well chilled.
