Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sky High Brewing Freewheel IPA

77 IBU 7% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.65/5
Untappd score 3.62/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Aroma: Smell of tangerine and orange blossoms with piny, resinous notes from the hops used. A sticky sweet aroma.  7.5

Appearance: A clear, burnt orange color with a solid head retention and medium lacing. Other than reminding me of the Texas Longhorns, a nice visual.  8

Flavor: Sweet citrus up front that quickly dissipates to a nicely balance bitter floral note. A tiny bit a pine detected. Nicely done.    7.5

Mouthfeel: Light and crisp with decent amount of carbonation. I transported it in a crowler so the carbonation is probably a bit livelier if it were coming from a bottle.   8

Overall: Sky High brewing out of Corvallis, Oregon did a solid job with this brew. It is a typical NW style of the American IPA that does a good job of mixing in both floral aromas and the bitterness of the style. Definitely a nice cap to a warm autumn afternoon. Nice job Sky High! 7.75

Matt's mark: 3.88/5

It was a beautiful weekend. My wife and I (mostly the missus) needed to get out of the house for some well deserved R&R. So, of course, we didn't even leave town. The nearest hot tub was all that was needed and so we booked a room at the Village Green Resort here
in our hometown. A beautiful place with beautiful gardens, a restaurant on site and, of course, the hot tub (also a pool but who's kidding whom, it was all about the hot tub). While the missus was relaxing in the hot tub, I was in the bar/lounge watching an excellent game between Oregon and Washington (while drinking a few local brewski's), two excellent programs that absolutely hate each other. It's no joke, us Oregon fans hate the Huskies even more than our little brother, the Oregon State Beavers. We even refer to the week leading up to the big game as "hate week". It's a thing, totally a thing. AND WE WON! IN OVERTIME! Oh the exhilaration! Afterwards, I joined my lovely wife in the hot tub. It was a glorious day. The next day, we packed up and headed up to Corvallis to have lunch with our gorgeous daughter that is now out of the house and in college (it still seems weird saying that). Of course, no one knew where to go, so I suggested the local brewpub Sky High. They definitely are Sky High. The building itself is four stories high and the restaurant is located on the fourth floor, a unique setting. The food is great and the beer even better. I highly recommend if you are in the area. Of Course I had flight to taste the menagerie of beers that are available...all of which were solid. They didn't sell bottles of beer so I came
home with a crowler of the Freewheel IPA, the most popular beer they have according to our server. After eating and saying our goodbyes, we headed home. My wife turned on Doctor Who re-runs and I bottled my braggot...and, of course, had my crowler of beer. Both Beer Advocate and Untappd had a score pretty much the same. I was a little higher...probably because I had such a good weekend. Or my taste buds are way better than everyone else's...that's probably not it. I am not that arrogant.

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