Sunday, October 7, 2018

Epic Brewing Imperial Pumpkin Porter

8.4% ABV Release #38
Beer Advocate score - 3.82/5
Untappd score 3.93/5

30B. Autumn Seasonal Beer

An amber to copper, spiced beer that often has a moderately rich body and slightly warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cool fall season, and often evocative of Thanksgiving traditions. (Disclaimer: This also could be classified as 30C. Winter Seasonal Beer as they are darker and more full bodied, like the beer being reviewed. But the pumpkin is autumn, therefore, I will grade on how I like it and less about how it compares to the class.)

For this beer, I went back to one of my old haunts (I worked in the meat department)... The M.O.C., otherwise known as the Market of Choice. As the name touts, they do have a large selection of many different kinds of produce and goods...and also beer...many different varieties and brands of beer. There is so much variety, it's like walking into another bottle shop. The clientele is a little pretentious, so I don't go often. But when I do, I am usually not disappointed. Now on to the review!

Aroma: On the nose you can detect the roasted malts. It definitely has a strong chocolate smell with traces of nutmeg, clove and sweet vanilla.  8.7

Appearance: Dark with a head the color of cream when it hits a nice cup of coffee. The head is persistent and dissipates with medium lacing.  8.5

Flavor: Roasted maltiness that gives way to bittersweet chocolate. Of course I detect all the essential spices of a pumpkin beer; nutmeg, vanilla and the slight trace of clove.    8.4

Mouthfeel: Creamy texture with light carbonation and a full body. A smooth finish. A nice sipping drink that warms a little.  8.5

Overall: I like a good pumpkin beer and this is a good pumpkin beer. It had all the flavors you look for and it has a high ABV. The pumpkin was not detectable in this brew but it did lend to the creaminess of the beer. The varying spices that usually comes with a pumpkin brew were there and weren't overpowering, lending to nice roundness to the over arching theme. Solid and will buy again. 8.5

Matt's mark: 4.26/5

The calendar turned to October, so obviously I was going to buy a pumpkin beer. I always turn to this feeling when the temperature phases from the heat of summer to the briskness of autumn. Pumpkin beers, in my humble opinion, get you ready for the cold season to come by providing a little warmth via spices and high alcohol content. My scores were quite a bit higher than Beer advocated and Untappd. I am not sure why, maybe I just like pumpkin beers a tad bit more than the usual beer drinker. I am biased at this time of year. Also, I am in a particularly good mood since I finished my porch bench (featured in the picture) and my training for my next race (a half marathon) is going fairly well. Now, I must attempt cooking...which is going to be difficult as I am highly intoxicated. See ya next week!

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