Sunday, November 25, 2018

Ommegang Game of Thrones Reserve Mother of Dragons

6.6% ABV Limited brew for 2018
Beer Advocate score - 3.93/5

34C. Experimental Beer

This is explicitly a catch-all category for any beer that does not fit into an existing style description. Overall impression varies, but should be a unique experience.

Beer found at The Bier Stein.

Back from a week hiatus (ran a half marathon and didn't feel like blogging, just drinking) I decided I wanted something unique... it was Thanksgiving weekend and it needed to be special. This particular brew I have been eyeing for several weeks now...I mean, who wouldn't want a smoked porter and Kriek ale blend (other than the missus). The hesitation being, would it actually live up to the name of Daenerys? Also, the price tag coming in at $15, it couldn't be consumed on any old weekend. This weekend also happened to be Civil War weekend for the Oregon Ducks. One could mistaken the game for semblance of a Stormborn led army running amok through Reser Stadium. The poor Beavers never stood a chance. It made for a brilliant weekend and the brew all the better. On to the review!

Aroma: Reminds me of a BBQ. A cherry laden BBQ.   7

Appearance: Really dark red, cloudy appearance. Nice cream colored head that last for a very long time.  8

Flavor: Tastes of tart cherry up front. Tapers to a slightly sweet, roasty character. Very little smoke but it balances out the flavors.  8.5

Mouthfeel: Really smooth with the right amount of carbonation. A surprisingly easy drinking beer.  8

Overall: I wasn't sure what I was expecting from this beer. I knew I liked smoked porters and I knew  I liked cherries. So, putting them together seemed like a good idea and maybe a taste sensation like no other. Well, I thought it was a solid offering of a specialty brew. I was really hoping for more of a smoky flavor profile (more akin to that of dragon's breath) but the smokiness did lend for a balance that I think was needed. Otherwise, the cherry would have overpowered the porter bill of the brew.  Ommegang did a nice job crafting a unique, drinkable brew. Not sure I would purchase again but I wouldn't say no if someone offered a pint to me. 7.8

Matt's mark: 3.93/5

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