Sunday, December 2, 2018

Wolf Tree Brewery Spruce Tip Ale

25 IBU 6.3% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.8
Untappd score - 3.56

19C. American Brown Ale

A malty but hoppy beer frequently with chocolate and caramel flavors. The hop flavor and aroma complements and enhances the malt rather than clashing with it.

Beer found at Whole Foods.

The reason for choosing the Spruce Tip Ale was the experimental side in me saying "Spruce tips? I wonder if that makes the brew more or bitter than being brewed with hops?" With a relatively low hop profile, that was a obvious question I had to ask myself. So on to the review to see what I found out!

Aroma: It's like taking a stroll on a trail through the forest. Nice, sweet earthiness and floral notes with a freshness of being among the trees.   8

Appearance: I was expecting a pale ale but was surprised to find out it poured a dark amber color. Tells you how much research I did before purchasing. Turns out it's a brown ale with a light tan frothy head with medium lacing.  7

Flavor: A nice floral and resin flavor on the forefront, which is what I was kind of expecting. What I didn't expect was a bite of woodsy spice that gave way to a sweet malt shining through to create a balance that is refreshing rather than extremely bitter. Interesting. 7.5

Mouthfeel: A crisp, refreshing brew. Definitely not a sipper, something you can throw back a couple before dinner and not miss a beat.  7

Overall: I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I bought this beer. I definitely questioned why anyone would put spruce tips in any concoction meant for enjoyment and not medicine. I was surprised by how fresh it was... and also how the bitterness was balanced out with the sweet malt of the brew. It was quite an interesting taste experience that made my taste buds do a happy dance. Wolf Tree did a nice job coming up with a concoction that has a unique taste experience. Will definitely buy again. 7.25

Matt's mark: 3.68/5

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