Sunday, December 9, 2018

Ecliptic Brewing Star Party Brut Imperial IPA

35 IBU 8% ABV - 2018 Edition
No score for Beer Advocate
No score for Untappd

21B. Specialty IPA

Recognizable as an IPA by balance – a hop-forward, bitter, dryish beer – with something else present to distinguish it from the standard categories. Should have good drinkability, regardless of the form. Excessive harshness and heaviness are typically faults, as are strong flavor clashes between the hops and the other specialty ingredients.

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

I saw this bottle of beer and thought to myself "A star party sounds fun, I ought to try it!" Of course, I have had many IPA's but this new style had me intrigued. Don't get me wrong, I like a nice IPA. Sometimes though, you start sipping on one and it just tastes like hops and you say to yourself "yep, tastes like an IPA." So here's to trying a new style of IPA, read on to see what I thought about it.

Aroma: A nice bouquet of  fruity hop aromas. I teased out some mango and passion fruit. I think some stone fruit but which one I am not positive on. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say peach...definitely peach.  8

Appearance: Well, it kinda resembles the appearance of a Brut wine...color me shocked! A nice effervescent, straw colored brew with a fine white head that lasted for a few minutes until it quickly dissipated and left a decent amount of lacing left behind.   7.5

Flavor: On the forefront, it's a nice kick of hops of the citrus variety. Bitter, but not too bitter. The brew then smooths out quite a bit and has a sweetness on the back end that kinda surprised me. A well balance IPA for sure. Not too bitter and a subtle sweetness that leaves you wanting more. 8

Mouthfeel: Bubbly and dry and dances on the tongue.. Obviously this is what the style hopes to capture and Ecliptic did a nice job. 8

Overall: It never ceases to amaze me the style of beers that are always being created. A super dry and crisp IPA? Yeah, sure, we will just add this enzyme that does that for you! Ecliptic did a nice job creating an enjoyable drink that not only quenches your thirst, but is light enough to continue drinking well into the night... and it's an imperial. And by sheer luck, I discovered that this particular brew pairs really well with fresh made Italian pasta. Luckily, I was on two different adventures tonight, first time making pasta with a pasta maker (I did fine muddling my way through it) and trying a Brut IPA. I'd say the adventuring left me feeling mighty fine... now, only if I had the forethought to buy another Star Party. This brew is an enthusiastic thumbs up from me. 7.8

Matt's mark: 3.93/5

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