Monday, April 13, 2020

Orval Trappist Ale by Brasserie D'Orval

6.9% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.24/5
Untappd score 3.73/5

24B. Belgian Pale Ale

A moderately malty, somewhat fruity, easy-drinking, copper-colored Belgian ale that is somewhat less aggressive in flavor profile than many other Belgian beers. The malt character tends to be a bit biscuity with light toasty, honey-like, or caramelly components; the fruit character is noticeable and complementary to the malt. The bitterness level is generally moderate, but may not seem as high due to the flavorful malt profile.

Found at The Brewstation in Cottage Grove, OR -  Hails from Abbaye de Notre-Dame d'Orval, Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium

The Brewstation is my favorite watering hole here in The Grove (which now produces their own beer under the moniker of Coast Fork Brewing). While getting a fill for my growler with the new Brice Creek Brown Ale, I decided to splurge a little more and brought home my first true Trappist Ale. I know, right? My first one. I had no idea what to expect. By the way, if you are ever in Cottage Grove, the CFB brews are definitely worth your while. The Brice Creek Brown is a fine example of the style. On to the review!

Appearance: A nice copperish to amber color with a huge beige head. Has really good retention and has lovely lacing as it dissipates. 7.9

Aroma: A spicy and bready aroma abounds on this one. A little bit of clove, sweet malt and raisin rounds it out.  7.6

Flavor: A good dose of malt with a twinge of sour fruit. A spicy undertone with hints of barnyard. Nicely balanced and quite refreshing.  8.3

Mouthfeel: Medium mouthfeel with a smooth finish despite the lively carbonation. Not to say the carbonation is isn't. 7.9

Overall: Can I have monks make all my beers? That was a delicious, well balanced brew that even the missus didn't mind (I saw a look, she almost took it from me). Definitely saying a lot. Whenever you see this on the shelf, go ahead and take it doesn't cost much and you won't regret it. 7.92

Matt's mark: 3.96/5

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