Sunday, March 29, 2020

Breakside Brewery & The Rare Barrel present I Can Show You the World

Brewed with Jasmine

5.3% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 3.98/5
Untappd score 3.76/5

3B. Czech Premium Pale Lager

Rich, characterful, pale Czech lager, with considerable malt and hop character and a long, rounded finish. Complex yet well-balanced and refreshing. The malt flavors are complex for a Pilsner-type beer, and the bitterness is strong but clean and without harshness, which gives a rounded impression that enhances drinkability.

Found at Safeway - Hails from Portland, OR & Oakland, CA

While in the midst of the pandemic, This bottle caught my eye. It looked like a pandemic spread map on the side of a bottle and I thought it would be the perfect beer to curl up in a ball and drink, dreaming of a better tomorrow where sports still exist. And fewer sick people. And sports bars...or any bars really. That would be nice too. But for now, this will have to suffice. On to the review!

Appearance: Nice straw/corn color. Clear and no haze with a beautiful white head. 8

Aroma: A little bit of malt character with a little bit of hops. The jasmine is detectable but not pronounced. Was hoping for a bit more.  7

Flavor: It is a super clean taste. Malty, sweet and a good dose of floral jasmine. A well balanced brew that tastes better than the smell.  8.2

Mouthfeel: Light. Crisp. Dry. Not much else to say.  8

Overall: I don't normally rank pilsners and lagers this high but it definitely deserves it. The aromas almost made me disappointed with my purchase but that first sip was really good. And it kept getting better. The more I consumed this beverage, the more pronounced the sweet jasmine came out to party. I highly recommend this brew if you can find it. 7.8

Matt's mark: 3.9/5

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