Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hair of the Dog Brewing Company's Adam Hearty Old World Ale

50 IBU 10% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.26/5
Untappd - 3.78/5

17B. English Old Ale

An ale of moderate to fairly significant alcoholic strength, bigger than standard beers, though usually not as strong or rich as barleywine. Often tilted towards a maltier balance. “It should be a warming beer of the type that is best drunk in half pints by a warm fire on a cold winter’s night”

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

I have been wanting to try this brewery for a long time. Of course, every time I am at the Market of Choice, it has been there...but it's in a small 12 oz. bottle and there are always other choices to be had in a 22 oz. Not this time though! Well, to be honest, I always use a three day weekend to splurge a little. That's what I did here as this was my first option but second choice. Or my second option and first choice? I swear I am not drunk. On to the review!

Aroma: The Missus says it is cleaner than a stout, more ale like. Little bit of malt and no hops. I agree to some extent. I smell a little bit of fruit (possibly fig 'cause reasons), vanilla, chocolate and smoke. Smoke! I wasn't expecting that. The bottle says I should smell leather as well. I guess I don't have the nose for leather.  8

Appearance: A dark, luscious cocoa brown with a pillowy, inch thick tan head that lasts for days. Nice clean beer. 8.2

Flavor: The Missus hates it. Says it tastes like too bitter like smoky burnt chocolate. Personally, I enjoyed all the flavors. Fig on the forefront (reasons explained) and then it trails off into a bittersweet commingling of malt, chocolate, vanilla and smoke bliss. Still don't detect the leather but I am okay with that I think. 9

Mouthfeel: I was surprised at how smooth and creamy this is for a full bodied big beer. Nice carbonation level as well.  8.5

Overall: First time drinking Hair of the Dog Brewing was definitely worth the wait. Delicious big beer that has every you want in an Old World Ale. Lots of different nuances to enjoy and some only other will detect (like the leather). I have allergies and live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon...some things just won't come through. 8.43

Matt's mark: 4.21/5

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ex Novo Brewing Company Kill the Sun Barrel-aged Imperial Stout

12.3% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.08/5
Untappd score 4.17/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Found at the Bier Stein

The Missus was out all weekend, helping out at a health fair in Bend,, I decided to do this bachelor weekend right. I was making an Imperial Stout myself so the theme definitely had to be just that. I ended up taking home a Chai Yeti from Great Divide and this bad boy from Ex Novo. Of course, they ended up being the perfect companions for a hard days work of brewing and watching random movies that the missus would never be interested in. The hardest part? Making sure I was cognizant enough to take notes! On to the review!

Aroma:  A phenomenal start. Boozy. A nice swirling bouquet of vanilla, wood, coffee, chocolate and malt. I think I started drooling.   9

Appearance:   Dark, black tar, oil...all of those would be apt. Definitely no light getting through it. Small amount of a deep tan head that sticks around for a decent time.  8.5

Flavor:  The brew seems to have a Russian Stout backbone. Notes of chocolate, roasted malts and charred wood. Caramel and vanilla are noticeable as well. Boozy.  9

Mouthfeel:  Medium body. Not as heavy as one would think. Nice sipper.  8

Overall:   This was a great ending to the weekend. Much better than the disaster season 8 of GoT (don't get me started). Kill the Sun had every thing you look for in an Imperial Stout and I would for sure buy this one again. I recommend it to all the masses that love big, black boozy beers. Remember though, you only need one...otherwise, you might not remember the weekend. 8.5

Matt's mark: 4.3/5

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Buoy Beer Company's Cream Ale

19 IBU 5.7% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.78/5
Untappd - 3.55

1C. Cream Ale

A clean, well-attenuated, flavorful American “lawnmower” beer. Easily drinkable and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers.

Beer found at the Market of Choice.

I remember the first time I discovered Buoy Beer. They had just opened up in Astoria, Oregon on the boardwalk along the water. The Missus and I were in town (I was running the 10K, the missus was wondering why I signed up for the 10K) and it was the day before the race and we were looking for good beer. We knew about Fort George but we had already passed it and didn't want to turn around. So we tried it...and it was good. So, of course, I decided to try it again. I bought the 6 pack and then promptly signed up for the 10K in Astoria right after. I am always looking for a reason to travel to Astoria. On to the review!

Aroma: It's mostly slightly sweet grains with hints of earthy hops and a dash of vanilla. The vanilla a little unusual for this style.  7

Appearance: An inch thick white head sitting on top of a clear golden straw brew. Beautiful.  8.5

Flavor: Tastes almost exactly like its aroma. Slightly sweet malt/grains, vanilla creaminess and a touch of hops on the back end. Nicely balanced. 7.5

Mouthfeel: Not heavy, somewhere between low to medium. Has nice carbonation and a light, dry finish.  7

Overall: Buoy does a solid job with this brew. It does a nice job of quenching your thirst while also providing more flavor than a lager. I'll take that every day of the week. Although, 5.7% is a little high ABV for a lawnmower beer... but I am not complaining. I am not going to lie, I also wanted to see how it stacked up against my go to from Pelican Brewing. Not quite there but not far behind. 7.5

Matt's mark: 3.75/5

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tropic Pines IPA by Bend Brewing Company

65 IBU 6.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - N/A
Untappd score 3.8/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Found at The Bier Stein

I don't get out to the High Desert much here in Oregon. I have passed through Bend maybe 10 times in my 38 years...but I do have a beer pub crawl on my bucket list. I decided on Tropic Pines from Bend Brewing mainly because I have never had one of their beers. The cans always look festive and cheery, something you would drink on a warm summer (or spring) evening. Luckily, we've had those for the past two weeks! On to the review!

Aroma: I smell grapefruit, orange peel, pine needles and floral hops. The pine needle aroma might come from the pine branches I moved earlier but who really knows?  7

Appearance: Pours out slightly hazy (gone are the days of no haze) with a golden straw body and a creamy white head. The head dissipates slowly and has nice lacing  7.5

Flavor: A solid tasting profile of grapefruit and hop bitterness with a touch of earth. It's mainly the grapefruit though.   7

Mouthfeel: Dry and smooth. Very refreshing as citrus beers are want to be.  8

Overall: Bend Brewing does a solid job with the slightly hazy Tropic Pines. While not the best IPA I have had, it was quite refreshing and I wish I had another one on hand...I did have the Ching Ching Sour though, that was a nice consolation prize.  7.4

Matt's mark: 3.69/5

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Pipe Wrench Gin Barrel Aged IPA by Gigantic Brewing

Aged in Ransom Old Tom Gin Barrels

85 IBU 8% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.05/5
Untappd score 3.88/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varieties. The balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

Found at the Market of Choice

I am not going to lie, I bought this brew purely on the label. It's a beautiful piece of artwork done by Olivia Knapp (whom I have never heard of before). You can learn more about her on I haven't yet but I plan to. But by sheer luck, the Pipe Wrench is a barrel aged beer! This time it comes from Gin barrels. I did't even realize it until I was home reading the label. It's the little things in life. Now on to the review!

Aroma: A sweet citrus, floral and resinous pine aroma (assume mostly from the juniper). Has a nice, earthy undertone.  8

Appearance: Pours a little hazy but has a nice agate coloring to it. Big head with the coloring of eggshell. Leaves a decent amount of lacing behind.  7.5

Flavor: Interesting profile. You can tell it was aged in Gin barrels. The botanicals show through along with resinous pine and lemon. Lingering hops on the back. Solid.   8

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and sticky. It coats the mouth (not in a bad way) and lingers. Nice carbonation level.   8

Overall: Gigantic did a fine job on this one. I like it when brewery's get creative like this and deliver unique experiences. This is definitely one to consider on a warm, sunny, spring afternoon or evening. Sit on the hammock, relax and knock down a pint of Pipe Wrench is time well spent. 7.87

Matt's mark: 3.94/5