Sunday, May 17, 2020

Fruit Monster by Great Notion Brewing

Photo by my beautiful daughter Madison
Tart Ale with Mango, Guava, and Peach

6% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate - 4.25/5
Untappd - 4.26/5

28B. Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer

American Wild Ales are beers that are introduced to "wild" yeast or bacteria, such as Brettanomyces, Pediococcus, or Lactobacillus. This introduction may occur from oak barrels that have been previously inoculated, pitching into the beer, or gained from various "sour mash" techniques. Regardless of the method, these yeast and/or bacteria leave a mark that should be noticeable to strong, and often contribute a sour and/or funky, wild note. Mixed-fermentation examples will display a range of aromatics, rather than a single dominant character.

From the source in Portland, Oregon.

Shout out to my good friend Jeremy Eckstein for offering to grab me a four pack of this beauty (also another four pack of Pineapple Pillows IPA). This made for quite the treat on Mother's Day...I just need an encore for Father's Day.

Appearance: A delectable creamy tangerine with a foamy white head. The head dissipates quickly leaving a hazy good looking brew...I must admit, the hazy look is growing on me a bit.   8.3

Aroma: A bright guava and mango bonanza. I couldn't make out the peach but sometimes my sniffer fails me...especially this time of year. Still, if you could taste an aroma...  8.4

Flavor: Uuuuuuh, maybe you can taste an aroma? The tartness delivers up front with explosions of peach, mango and guava one right after the other...what more do you need?  If I were crazy, maybe pineapple.  8.4

Mouthfeel: Creamy and smooth. This low to medium carbonated brew goes down quite easy and is highly refreshing.  8.2

Overall: My last post was about the Wishing Wand, which is still my favorite. But this crowd-pleaser just landed in second position, pushing out Mango Flossi. Great Notion has quite the reputation. I have not had anything bad from them...then again, I have only had 3 brews from them. They are hard to get a hold of in my neck of the woods (even though I reside in the same state).  This version (that's right, I said version) of the Fruit Monster was delicious. I can't wait to try another version of it. 8.33

Matt's mark: 4.17/5

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