Sunday, May 31, 2020

Coldfire Brewing's Italian-Style Pilsner

Indie Batch Series

5.2% ABV 27 IBU's
Untappd - 3.97/5
To cool for Beer Advocate

5D. German Pils Overall Impression: A light-bodied, highly-attenuated, gold-colored, bottom-fermented bitter German beer showing excellent head retention and an elegant, floral hop aroma. Crisp, clean, and refreshing, a German Pils showcases the finest quality German malt and hops.

Found at Market of Choice (Willamette St) - Hails from their local Eugene Public House.

I know what you're thinking (not really, I am just taking a stab), how can an Italian-style Pilsner be in the German Pils guidelines? Well, you take a German Pilsner, add some floral hops, a little bit of bitter citrus and a Vespa (with an Italian gentleman saying ciào) and violà! Oh wait, "violà" is French...I guess that explains the Moulon Rouge in the background of the beer picture...On to the review!

Appearance: A golden straw color with a fancy, foamy head. Nice lacing as the head dissipates.  8

Aroma: A big floral presence upfront with a herbal and malty aroma backbone. Has a citrus undertone to it as well.  7.9

Flavor: Clean with a floral sweetness to start which quickly gravitates to a citrus bitterness. Has a nice, peppery spiciness kick to it as well that lingers on the back of the throat.  8

Mouthfeel: Crisp, bright and light bodied. The pepper on the back, while tasty, is a little harsh...just a little.  7.8

Overall: I really liked this Pilsner from Coldfire. I don't drink them that often because Pilsners are just not that interesting to me. Don't get me wrong, a well done Pilsner is great in certain situations, they just don't make their way into my hand the way a barrel-aged stout does. The Italianizing does add character to the Pilsner style that I can get behind. Well done Coldfire! Ciào!  7.92

Matt's mark: 3.96/5

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