Saturday, January 25, 2020

Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout by Wyndridge Farm Brewing

Aged in Hidden Hills Spirits Bourbon barrels

13.9% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.38/5
Untappd score 4.18/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Dallastown, PA

It just seems like I review a lot of Imperial Stouts. I don't do it on purpose (or do I?), they are really hard to pass up. Maybe I should be more selective about these things...probably not gonna happen though. If given a choice between a Double IPA and a Bourbon Barrel Imperial, I am bourbon every time. Sorry IPA, dark beer has stolen my heart.

Appearance: Pours a deep black color with a thin mocha head. The head dissipates quickly and leaves nice lacing behind.  8

Aroma: My mouth started salivating from the hints of coffee and bourbon layered on top of the chocolate, vanilla and toffee. Nicely done.  8
Flavor: A nicely balanced brew. The bitterness of the coffee lingers all the way through. It's balanced out by the sweetness of toffee, chocolate and a bit of cherry. Get a nice pinch of the bourbon character as well.  9

Mouthfeel: Full bodied but not too thick and syrupy. Has the right amount of carbonation with nice acidity level.   9

Overall: This is a fine example of a bourbon barrel imperial stout. I wish I had bought another one but you can't always do that when buying on a budget and also wanting all the beers. If you can find this, pay whatever they are asking for's worth it. 8.5

Matt's mark: 4.25/5

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