Sunday, June 14, 2020

Digital Dreams by Matchless Brewing

6% ABV IBU - none listed
Untappd - 3.84/5 
Beer Advocate - 3.76/5

5D. German Pils 

A light-bodied, highly-attenuated, gold-colored, bottom-fermented bitter German beer showing excellent head retention and an elegant, floral hop aroma. Crisp, clean, and refreshing, a German Pils showcases the finest quality German malt and hops.

Found at Whole Foods Market in Eugene, OR - Hails from Tumwater, WA

Yet another brew that is distinctly hard to classify. You could say, "oh it's a pilsner, classify it as a good ol' fashioned German Pils." But the Brut in me says it could also be an experimental beer. Besides, it doesn't let me know the hops used for it. Alas, I decided to go the traditional route...knowing the brew is not going to be traditional. Hmmmm, what a conundrum! On to the review!

Appearance: A clear golden straw with a hint of green when held up to the light...interesting. Has a decent 1/2 inch head with good lacing. Bubbly.  7.9

Aroma: Sweet malt and a touch of honey. Combined with a delicate citrus note. A little grassy as well.  7.6

Flavor: Much like the aroma. Sweet malt and a touch of honey. Layered with lemongrass as well as some grassy hops on the back end. Refreshing.  7.9

Mouthfeel: A light bodied brew that's crisp and on the dry side. Nice bubbly zing.  7.8

Overall: I am not a huge fan of Pilsner's, but if done right, they are quite tasty. This was done right. I also liked the added flare of the Brut bubbliness of it. It's a nice brew to drink on a hot summer day or a nice rainy spring day when dreaming of summer. Nicely done Matchless.  7.8

Matt's mark: 3.9/5

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