Sunday, March 29, 2020

Breakside Brewery & The Rare Barrel present I Can Show You the World

Brewed with Jasmine

5.3% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 3.98/5
Untappd score 3.76/5

3B. Czech Premium Pale Lager

Rich, characterful, pale Czech lager, with considerable malt and hop character and a long, rounded finish. Complex yet well-balanced and refreshing. The malt flavors are complex for a Pilsner-type beer, and the bitterness is strong but clean and without harshness, which gives a rounded impression that enhances drinkability.

Found at Safeway - Hails from Portland, OR & Oakland, CA

While in the midst of the pandemic, This bottle caught my eye. It looked like a pandemic spread map on the side of a bottle and I thought it would be the perfect beer to curl up in a ball and drink, dreaming of a better tomorrow where sports still exist. And fewer sick people. And sports bars...or any bars really. That would be nice too. But for now, this will have to suffice. On to the review!

Appearance: Nice straw/corn color. Clear and no haze with a beautiful white head. 8

Aroma: A little bit of malt character with a little bit of hops. The jasmine is detectable but not pronounced. Was hoping for a bit more.  7

Flavor: It is a super clean taste. Malty, sweet and a good dose of floral jasmine. A well balanced brew that tastes better than the smell.  8.2

Mouthfeel: Light. Crisp. Dry. Not much else to say.  8

Overall: I don't normally rank pilsners and lagers this high but it definitely deserves it. The aromas almost made me disappointed with my purchase but that first sip was really good. And it kept getting better. The more I consumed this beverage, the more pronounced the sweet jasmine came out to party. I highly recommend this brew if you can find it. 7.8

Matt's mark: 3.9/5

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Anchor's Down Amber Ale from Wolf Tree Brewery

8.5% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.13/5
Untappd score 4.13/5

19A. American Amber Ale

An amber, hoppy, moderate-strength American craft beer with a caramel malty flavor. The balance can vary quite a bit, with some versions being fairly malty and others being aggressively hoppy. Hoppy and bitter versions should not have clashing flavors with the caramel malt profile.

From the Market of Choice - Hails from Seal Rock, OR

Is this really my first Amber Ale review?!? How have I overlooked this category for soooo long? It's not like I haven't been drinking them (I have had my fair share of Ambers). Maybe because not many new Amber Ales hit the market. This one is new though and I took notice. Oh yes, I took notice. On to the review!

Appearance: A nice clear, nutty amber color with a fingers width tan head. Dissipates quickly with good lacing. 8

Aroma: Mostly biscuit and sweet caramel. Notes of toffee. Hops are there in the back and are a little grassy.  7

Flavor: Bitter up front but gives way to a delicately sweet caramel touch. A really nice malty backbone.  7.8

Mouthfeel: Medium mouthfeel with not quite enough carbonation. A touch bit more and it would be just right.  7.3

Overall: A solid offering by the guys from the NW Oregon coast. It's difficult in this IPA world to find an offering like this because not many do it. While this does not make my top list of brewski's, it is one I will buy again. When the price is right and it's a solid beer, that means it has the capacity of being a go to brew. 7.5

Matt's mark: 3.76/5

Sunday, March 15, 2020

I Can't Help But Feel a Specific Anger of Waiting in Line to Swipe at the Subway Turnstile Behind Someone Who Does Not Know How to Swipe Double IPA from Evil Twin Brewing

8.5% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.13/5
Untappd score 4.13/5

22A. Double IPA

An intensely hoppy, fairly strong pale ale without the big, rich, complex maltiness and residual sweetness and body of an American barleywine. Strongly hopped, but clean, dry, and lacking harshness. Drinkability is an important characteristic; this should not be a heavy, sipping beer.

From a Tavour shipment - Hails from Queens, New York

It's getting crazy out there so what do you do to pass the time? I am a sports geek and a beer geek...without sports, I turn my attention to good beer. This one comes from one of my favorite experimental breweries. They always have some crazy concoction that you just want to try...even if it sounds like it could be totally disgusting. That's the thing about experimental beers, you never know what you will get. This one is fairly straight forward though but it had a cool name. Long but cool. And I just couldn't turn it down. On to the review!

Appearance: Thick golden ale. Not clear cause it's a hazy IPA. Nice brilliant white head that lasts for a good long time. Awesome lacing. 9

Aroma: Citrus forward with Tangerine and Grapefruit. A well balanced dank hop aroma up front. Smells as if it were double dry hopped.  8

Flavor: Definitely well balanced. Quite a bit of Orange citrus with a nice floral bouquet of hop flavor.  8

Mouthfeel: Right amount of carbonation and medium bodied. Lingers but not thick. Dangerously crushable.  8

Overall: Evil Twin always meets my expectations. This one is no different. It keeps getting better the more you drink it. While I have had better IPA's, this one is comfortably in the top 5-10 range. And it seems my score is right on par with everyone else.  8.25

Matt's mark: 4.125/5