Sunday, February 23, 2020

Weldwerks Brewing Starry Night Milk Stout

Hazelnut, Toasted Coconut & Milk Chocolate

7.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.18/5
Untappd score 4.15/5

16A. Sweet Stout

A very dark, sweet, full-bodied, slightly roasty ale that can suggest coffee-and-cream, or sweetened espresso.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Greeley, Colorado

Milk stouts are quickly becoming one of my favorite styles. So when I saw this one from Weldwerks, I deftly maneuvered my fingers and brought this one home. I really enjoyed their 3.8 Miles Double IPA and I am guessing this will be a treat as well. On to the review!

Appearance: It's a dark brew with reddish and brownish hues...thought it would be a little darker. Has a thin mocha head with not much lacing.  7.1

Aroma: The hazel-nuttiness hits first but you quickly realize the coconut and chocolate are present as well. Enough to make your mouth water. Definitely a dessert beer.  8.2

Flavor: It's a nice balance of the sweetness of the coconut and chocolate along with the nutty hazelnut. There is a tad bit of hop bitterness but nothing to write home an afterthought...  8.1

Mouthfeel: Highly carbonated for a stout. Interestingly has a low to medium body. Was hoping for a creamier feel. Overall doesn't detract from experience too much.  7

Overall: Another solid effort from Weldwerks Brewing. I wouldn't put it into the upper echelon of Milk Stouts but it was enjoyable. Was hoping for it to have a creamier mouthfeel but the high carbonation took that away a little bit. Fix that issue and maybe use dark chocolate instead and then we can talk about upper echelon. 7.6

Matt's mark: 3.8/5


  1. I also really like milk stouts Matt, do you have a suggestion for your favorite or a good recommendation for one?

    1. I have found a couple good ones from Tavour. Hubbard's Cave Pot de Creme is delicious as well as Pipewerks Pistacio Jones Dog. Unfortunately for me, both are in Illinois.

    2. Locally, Ninkasi has a milk stout called Noir. It's pretty tasty. Breakside has a phenomenal Salted Caramel Stout.
