Sunday, February 23, 2020

Weldwerks Brewing Starry Night Milk Stout

Hazelnut, Toasted Coconut & Milk Chocolate

7.5% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.18/5
Untappd score 4.15/5

16A. Sweet Stout

A very dark, sweet, full-bodied, slightly roasty ale that can suggest coffee-and-cream, or sweetened espresso.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Greeley, Colorado

Milk stouts are quickly becoming one of my favorite styles. So when I saw this one from Weldwerks, I deftly maneuvered my fingers and brought this one home. I really enjoyed their 3.8 Miles Double IPA and I am guessing this will be a treat as well. On to the review!

Appearance: It's a dark brew with reddish and brownish hues...thought it would be a little darker. Has a thin mocha head with not much lacing.  7.1

Aroma: The hazel-nuttiness hits first but you quickly realize the coconut and chocolate are present as well. Enough to make your mouth water. Definitely a dessert beer.  8.2

Flavor: It's a nice balance of the sweetness of the coconut and chocolate along with the nutty hazelnut. There is a tad bit of hop bitterness but nothing to write home an afterthought...  8.1

Mouthfeel: Highly carbonated for a stout. Interestingly has a low to medium body. Was hoping for a creamier feel. Overall doesn't detract from experience too much.  7

Overall: Another solid effort from Weldwerks Brewing. I wouldn't put it into the upper echelon of Milk Stouts but it was enjoyable. Was hoping for it to have a creamier mouthfeel but the high carbonation took that away a little bit. Fix that issue and maybe use dark chocolate instead and then we can talk about upper echelon. 7.6

Matt's mark: 3.8/5

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Methodical Hazy IPA from Barrier Brewing Company

Collaboration with Kino's County Brewers Collective

7.7% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - N/A
Untappd score 3.87/5

21A. American IPA

A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale, showcasing modern American or New World hop varietihe balance is hopforward, with a clean fermentation profile, dryish finish, and clean, supporting malt allowing a creative range of hop character to shine through.

From a Tavour shipment - Hails from Oceanside & Brooklyn, New York

Next up from the latest Tavour shipment is the Methodical Hazy IPA from Barrier. When it comes to IPA's, you just want to see how well they balance the hop and the malt. Sometimes, like here in the PNW, the hop outweighs the malt cause we have a higher rate of hop heads per capita. It gets really hard to find an IPA that meets the balance. I have high hopes for this one...I mean, with a name like Methodical, it has to be well balanced...right? On to the review!

Appearance: It has a thick eggshell colored head. The brew is straw colored and a little hazy. Not overdone on the haze but also not a rich color. 7.7

Aroma: Smells a lot like the cleaner Pine Sol. Astringent but not unpleasant...if that is possible. A little unexpected. And by little, I mean a lot.  7

Flavor: Nicely balanced. The hops are not overwhelming with a clean malty back bone. Clean, fresh, piney and lemony. A lot like Pine Sol but I am sure it tastes way better. Nicely done.  8

Mouthfeel: Crisp and light. Dry but not to dry and the right amount of carbonation.  8

Overall: Barrier Brewing (with the help from KCBC) does a solid job with this particular brew. I found it thirst quenching and it had good flavor. I do think there are better offerings in the PNW but I wouldn't say no to another.  7.66

Matt's mark: 3.83/5