Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Chubby Cherub Cherry Bourbon Porter by Falling Sky Brewing

Falling Sky Brewers' Reserve

15 IBU 6.5% ABV
Beer Advocate - n/a
Untappd - 3.8/5

20A. American Porter (or possibly a specialty category)

A substantial, malty dark beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character.
Purchased at Falling Sky Delicatessen Eugene, Oregon

So, the first Wednesday of each month, we have what we call at our house "chicken Wednesday". No, we don't eat chicken this day...we pick up chicken this day. And when I say we, I mean me. I pick up the chicken. So let me explain. The missus and I purchase an allotment (three to be exact) of whole chickens (delicious organic free range chicken by the way) each month from Fair Valley Farms, which is located on the outskirts of Eugene. Fair Valley, in turn, has a pickup location on Saturday and Wednesday of the first week of each month. Now this is important...the pickup location on Wednesday is Falling Sky Delicatessen...which is an offshoot of Falling Sky Brewing. So basically, it is a "forced" night out to eat sliders and drink beer by myself (well, not totally by myself... there are a few other patrons at the 4 o'clock happy hour). Oh the horror! Before we go any further, no I didn't get a picture of the counter at Falling Sky. I told myself to do it but honestly, you're lucky to get the picture at the top of the page. I don't like taking pictures. It's a thing. Now, as I was purchasing my sliders and beer at said counter, I noticed that the Chubby Cherub was for purchase in a bomber...so I added it to the bill! I mean, it had all the important ingredients like being dark, aged in some sort of barrel and alcohol derived from malted grain. Apparently, I am on a dark beer kick for at least one more week.

Okay, on to the scores:

Aroma: Not a big boozy smell like other bourbon beers have. Notes of coffee, raisin, cherry and vanilla on the nose. The subtle bourbon an underlying note in the background. Enticing enough to keep going.  7.5

Appearance: Has a nice dark reddish/brownish color...like a mahogany laced with cherry. The medium thick cream colored head lasts for awhile.  8

Flavor: A nice yummy vanilla and cherry upfront. Surprising, not a big coffee note. Again, the subtle bourbon woodsiness on the back end.  8

Mouthfeel: Decidedly a medium light weight to the brew. It has a nice dry finish but not overly carbonated.  7.5

Overall: This is a solid brew from Falling Sky. While I like my bourbon beers to be a bit bigger, the more subtle and light approach was nice. You could sit back and drink a couple of these bombers and still be able to function just fine...comparatively speaking of course. Also, the missus (not being a dark beer fan) was not totally put off by the Chubby Cherub. She even suggested it would be a nice desert if made into an adult milkshake. I tend to agree with everything she says (except I accept all types of beers) because life is just better that way. The Chubby Cherub is definitely worth the purchase.  7.75

Matt's mark: 3.88/5

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