Wednesday, January 30, 2019

King Kitty Red Ale by Coalition Brewing Co.

60 IBU 5.75% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 3.42/5
Untappd score 3.5/5

22B. American Strong Ale

A strong, full-flavored American ale that challenges and rewards the palate with full malty and hoppy flavors and substantial bitterness. The flavors are bold but complementary, and are stronger and richer than average strength pale and amber American ales.

Found at Market of Choice

Sometimes you just feel a pull to a certain brew. I liked the name of this one and I had never had anything from Coalition Brewing before (when the beer is from Portland, which has the most breweries per capita in the US, it's easy to miss a few). I couldn't resist the pull so it made its way home with me. I guess life could be worse.

On to the review!

Aroma: A spicy (not hot, more herbal) floral bouquet from the hops at first whiff that gives way to a waft of sweet malt.   7

Appearance: The picture doesn't do it justice but there is a nice redness to the brew. The coloring is somewhere between an Irish Red and Scotch Ale. Has a nice, thick foamy head that lasts for quite a while.  7.6

Flavor: Nice hop bite on first sip, bordering on harsh but not there yet. Just loaded with a spicy (again with the distinction of herbal) bitterness. This gives way to a super malty backbone that balances it out. A nice biscuit flavor that's not overly sweet.  7.3

Mouthfeel: Crisp but not dry. The medium body allows the malt to linger a little. Nice carbonation level.  7

Overall:  This is a solid offering from Coalition Brewing Co. out of Portland, Oregon. It is not an overly complicated beer, which I like in my red ales. The aroma of the beer was nicely done for the style of a NW Red Ale. It's a nice sipper on a warm (and when I say warm, it just means the sun is out and it's bordering 50 degrees) winter afternoon. We don't get many of those here in Oregon. Usually it's a dreary mid 40's with rain coming in buckets. So, I had to take full advantage of it. 7.2

Matt's mark: 3.61/5

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wild Ride Brew's Tarty to the Party Watermelon Lime Sour Ale

10 IBU's 5.6% ABV
Beer Advocate - 3.5/5 (2 votes
Untappd - 3.8/5

28B. Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer

American Wild Ales are beers that are introduced to "wild" yeast or bacteria, such as Brettanomyces, Pediococcus, or Lactobacillus. This introduction may occur from oak barrels that have been previously inoculated, pitching into the beer, or gained from various "sour mash" techniques. Regardless of the method, these yeast and/or bacteria leave a mark that should be noticeable to strong, and often contribute a sour and/or funky, wild note. Mixed-fermentation examples will display a range of aromatics, rather than a single dominant character.

Purchased at Fred Meyer

I don't know if you've noticed lately but, I have been in a rut. A dark beer rut. A barrel aged dark beer rut. And for good reason, 'cause they're damn tasty...if you like that sort of thing, of which I do. So I appealed to my good friend for an idea for my next beer. Well, he has a thing for sours and this one came highly recommended. It's an odd selection for this time of the year here in Oregon. It's currently rainy and cold, which, by the way, calls for a barrel aged dark beer. But as I reached for the watermelon lime sour ale on the shelf, I was longing for the nice warm 80 degree days of the summer...and I saw it's appeal as a drink in the winter time. Then I walked outside and reality hit me. It was still winter. Oh well, at least I was taking home summer in a bottle.

Okay, on to the scores:

Aroma: Well, it smells like a watermelon jolly rancher with a hint of lime...I guess I expected that.  7

Appearance: The hue of the liquid looks to be like a richer, darker hue of apple juice from the store. Like Tree Top or something.   7

Flavor: The tartness is nice. My taste buds detected the subtle sweet watermelon after the initial blast of sour. It then dives right back to tart on the back end. Not overpoweringly puckalicious but it lets you know it's there.  8

Mouthfeel: Dry and nice level of carbonation. The level of pucker is not overwhelming throughout.  7.5

Overall: Wild Ride did a nice job for the style. I have had sours with off putting smells (vomit like) and makes you pucker just thinking of them. I guess some people like that but not this person. The flavor profile and lightness makes this a perfect beer for the summertime (or when wishing for the summer).  7.5

Matt's mark: 3.7/5

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Chubby Cherub Cherry Bourbon Porter by Falling Sky Brewing

Falling Sky Brewers' Reserve

15 IBU 6.5% ABV
Beer Advocate - n/a
Untappd - 3.8/5

20A. American Porter (or possibly a specialty category)

A substantial, malty dark beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character.
Purchased at Falling Sky Delicatessen Eugene, Oregon

So, the first Wednesday of each month, we have what we call at our house "chicken Wednesday". No, we don't eat chicken this day...we pick up chicken this day. And when I say we, I mean me. I pick up the chicken. So let me explain. The missus and I purchase an allotment (three to be exact) of whole chickens (delicious organic free range chicken by the way) each month from Fair Valley Farms, which is located on the outskirts of Eugene. Fair Valley, in turn, has a pickup location on Saturday and Wednesday of the first week of each month. Now this is important...the pickup location on Wednesday is Falling Sky Delicatessen...which is an offshoot of Falling Sky Brewing. So basically, it is a "forced" night out to eat sliders and drink beer by myself (well, not totally by myself... there are a few other patrons at the 4 o'clock happy hour). Oh the horror! Before we go any further, no I didn't get a picture of the counter at Falling Sky. I told myself to do it but honestly, you're lucky to get the picture at the top of the page. I don't like taking pictures. It's a thing. Now, as I was purchasing my sliders and beer at said counter, I noticed that the Chubby Cherub was for purchase in a I added it to the bill! I mean, it had all the important ingredients like being dark, aged in some sort of barrel and alcohol derived from malted grain. Apparently, I am on a dark beer kick for at least one more week.

Okay, on to the scores:

Aroma: Not a big boozy smell like other bourbon beers have. Notes of coffee, raisin, cherry and vanilla on the nose. The subtle bourbon an underlying note in the background. Enticing enough to keep going.  7.5

Appearance: Has a nice dark reddish/brownish a mahogany laced with cherry. The medium thick cream colored head lasts for awhile.  8

Flavor: A nice yummy vanilla and cherry upfront. Surprising, not a big coffee note. Again, the subtle bourbon woodsiness on the back end.  8

Mouthfeel: Decidedly a medium light weight to the brew. It has a nice dry finish but not overly carbonated.  7.5

Overall: This is a solid brew from Falling Sky. While I like my bourbon beers to be a bit bigger, the more subtle and light approach was nice. You could sit back and drink a couple of these bombers and still be able to function just fine...comparatively speaking of course. Also, the missus (not being a dark beer fan) was not totally put off by the Chubby Cherub. She even suggested it would be a nice desert if made into an adult milkshake. I tend to agree with everything she says (except I accept all types of beers) because life is just better that way. The Chubby Cherub is definitely worth the purchase.  7.75

Matt's mark: 3.88/5

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb! Imperial Stout

(now owned by Krebs Brewing Company)

13% ABV
Beer Advocate score - 4.5/5
Untappd score 4.3/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Found at Market of Choice

So I am going to let you in on a little secret, don't go to the Willagellespie Road Market of Choice. Their beer section is the worst of the four in Eugene, much like going to a Safeway or an Albertson's (which, of course, are the same thing). Not sure why, just not impressive. Even the campus one is better even though it's smaller. I go to the main MOC on Willamette Street in South Eugene...the Mecca of MOC's you could say. While searching for my latest brew, Claim 52 happened to be providing samples. So I sampled like any smart person would do...which led to me asking him for recommendations. He quickly pointed out the Bomb! as one of his all time favorites. An Imperial Stout that is aged on coffee from Spaceship Earth, cacao nibs, vanilla beans and Chili peppers? Yeah, that is a list of ingredients that could lead to that kind of build up. So, I had to come home with it...and also Fluffier from Claim 52. I mean, after all, the guy was helpful in so many beer, pointing out a promising beer, oh and free beer. On to the review!

Aroma: The aroma is reminiscent of a sweet chipotle BBQ with hints of vanilla and chocolate. The coffee comes through at the end...nice undertone.  9

Appearance: Very little head that dissipates quickly (the high ABV might have something to do with that?). The liquid is a really lovely dark brown hue that lets no light through.  9

Flavor: Wow! A co-mingling of many flavors! It reminds me of a dark chocolate Mexican Mocha blended with a small amount of vanilla ice cream. Desert in a bottle. The spiciness of the peppers is a nice touch.  9.5

Mouthfeel:  Extremely smooth and just the right amount of carbonation. The heat from the spice is low, doesn't make the drink uncomfortable at all.  9

Overall: Apparently, I am late to the Bomb! party. This is probably the most popular beer that I have reviewed. Now I know why. It has many great flavors the co-exist exceptionally well together. I have elevated the Bomb! into my top beers for sure. If you see this beer on the shelf at the store, don't wait, buy it, buy it now.  9

Matt's mark: 4.55/5

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Rum Barrel Aged Porter by PFriem Family Brewers

45 IBU 9.5% ABV
Beer Advocate - 4.2/5
Untappd - 4.2/5

20A. American Porter (or possibly a specialty category)

A substantial, malty dark beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character.
Found at Whole Foods

It is a good damn thing that I score the beers I drink before emptying the whole bottle, 'cause I tell you what, it's hard to type when consuming a beer like this. I originally planned on a different beer to do a review on but was not excited about it...I wanted something special to bring in the new year of course! And a bloody IPA was soooo derivative. I have this whole New Year's tradition that I started 4 years ago now. I hang out at my good friends apartment (shout out to the Brisby's) on the Eve while mentally preparing myself for a 5k at midnight to bring in the new year. Then I come back to the apartment and crash for 6 hours, wake up and run another 5k! The event is called The First Run and it's a total blast if you're in to that sort of thing. Which I am of course. And afterwards, there is nothing better than drinking a high ABV beer on an empty stomach when already riding that exercise high. The endorphins are off the charts! And endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot others, they just don't.

Okay, on to the scores:

Aroma: This is how a barrel aged beer is supposed to smell. The nose is nice and boozy with hints of burnt sugar, dark chocolate and vanilla. Makes my mouth water.  9.25

Appearance: Pours a deep burnt sugar with hues of red and a sandy brown medium head. Pleasant to look at if you ask me (and I did, how else would I rate it?).  8.5

Flavor: I don't know if I can fully convey all the flavors but I will try. A chocolate rum ball at the forefront, hints of vanilla, burnt sugar and a woodsy oak flavor.  Nicely balanced.  9

Mouthfeel: I decided to drink this on an empty stomach because I knew it was going to be heavy but is also really smooth. The carbonation is a little bit more than what I am used to from a porter; small drawback. Did I say it was really smooth?   8.5

Overall: This is the second brew from PFriem that I have partaken and it did not disappoint. It left me feeling nice and toasty...just how I was wanting to feel! What a shocker! PFriem's website says that this porter has 45 IBU's but it didn't seem like it. Don't get me wrong, 45 IBU's is not a lot in this day and age of hop head craziness, but it does lend an amount of detectable bitterness. If the hops did, it was well balanced... as a porter should be. 8.75

Matt's mark: 4.40/5