Saturday, September 21, 2019

Smog City Brewing's Bourbon Barrel-Aged O.E.

Limited Release Barleywine Style Ale

14.1% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.37/5
Untappd score 4.38/5

17D. English Barleywine

A showcase of malty richness and complex, intense flavors. Chewy and rich in body, with warming alcohol and a pleasant fruity or hoppy interest. When aged, it can take on port-like flavors. A wintertime sipper.

Shipment from Tavour - Hails from Torrance, California

I waited on this brew until the rains started fall here in Oregon. Fortunately for me, it has been a very wet September...not good for getting yard work done but perfect for the big, dark beers. On to the review!

Aroma: Sweet malty nose with hints of vanilla, dried fruit and a bit of a woody/nutty note.  9.6

Appearance: A dirty brown color that is a little off putting. A half inch off white head that dissipates fairly quickly but has nice legs, showing off the high ABV. Not totally clear at first but clears out as it warms.   7

Flavor: Delicious. A sweet, malty brew with lots of flavors. Nice touch of vanilla, fig, chocolate and oak. Has a toffee flavor prevalent throughout the tasting experience.  9.8

Mouthfeel: Loads of carbonation, too much for this type of brew. It is full bodied but the carbonation detracts from everything else.   6.5

Overall:  I am a little late to the Smog City party for this Bourbon Barrel-Aged O.E. I am curious to how the 2019 release stacks up with earlier releases. A delicious desert beer that is sweet but not cloying. It would have scored quite a bit higher if it weren't for the dirty dishwater appearance and the high carbonation. I am probably being a bit picky about the color but the carbonation? No not really.  8.25

Matt's mark: 4.12/5

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Wisconsin Stout- A Collaboration from Listermann Brewing & Untitled Art Brewing

Brewed with Maple and Lactose

10% ABV No IBU's
Beer Advocate score - 4.15/5
Untappd score 4.1/5

20C. Imperial Stout

An intensely-flavored, big, dark ale with a wide range of flavor balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavors, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavors, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess.

Shipment from Tavour - From Waunakee, Wisconsin & Cincinnati, Ohio

Don't let the picture to the right fool you as it was a nice, rainy day I decided to bring this bad boy out. It was a smart decision on my part 'cause big Imperials are always oh-so-nice on a damp evening after work on a weekend. I can induce myself into a beer coma and not have to worry about anything else...other than taking notes for the review! So, let's get on with it already.

Aroma: Sweet maple syrup at the front. Slides into chocolate and toffee with a bit of coffee to round it out.  9

Appearance: A dark chocolate with a creamy head that looks as if dusted with a bit of cocoa. The head lasts for quite awhile.  9.2

Flavor: Tastes like a creamy marshmallow and chocolate. I detect hints of vanilla, burnt sugar, smoke and a dash of coffee. Very sweet and honestly, it reminds me of a s'more.  9.2

Mouthfeel: Dry and with the right amount of carbonation. Quite perfect for a stout.   9

Overall:  This collaboration brew was definitely the right choice to make for a cool evening. I felt like I was sitting around a campfire and eating a delicious s'more...without the smelly, smoky clothes. The brew itself was quite sweet but was short of being cloying. You definitely don't want to drink more than one in a sitting because, well, high ABV and sweetness would make for a killer hangover I presume. I don't get hangovers so I am just going off hearsay...don't hate me.  9

Matt's mark: 4.5/5